LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Persona 4, Rise Kujikawa's Declaration and Other Videos Added

Quite an update for the Persona 4 website this week even though some of it is re-used material. Information about the new pre-order goodies have been added to the shopping guide and the fansite listing continues to grow. Rise Kujikawa's profile has now been added to the Character section and it's pretty much the same as Famitsus...

Sigma Harmonics, Voice Actors and Battle System Revealed

I knew I heard Neon's voice in Sigma Harmonics from somewhere. It's Aya Hirano, famed for her role as Suzumiya Haruhi! It appears she will also be singing the theme song "Harmonia Vita" for SE's upcoming detective RPG. Another reason for boost in sales I'm sure. As for the other voice actors... This time we have a look at the different...

Persona 4, Soundtrack and More Pre-order Goodies Revealed

Now here's some pre-order goodies for Persona 4 that you might not be able to get from import stores because in addition to Konami Style's Special Edition, other local Japanese retailers will be offering some more exclusive bonus items. First up, by pre-ordering with 7Dream.com players can get a set of 5 original illustrated...

Persona Trinity Soul 23

Episode 23 Summary, "Embrace the Bond" Shin and his friends were all lying unconscious on the floor of the Marebito base. Kanaru was the first to wake up. Immediately she went to look for Shin to see if he was all right, the ambience of her true Persona following her lighting the way. She soon finds him down some stairs and as he stirs, she...

5 Centimetres per Second LE DVD has Alternative Covers?

Fellow Anime fan Diego spotted something interesting about the Japanese 5 Centimetres per Second LE DVD. It appears the bonus discs case has alternative covers! I've noticed the illustrations before whenever I took out the discs to watch but, never did thought of them being used this way. You can see the "DVD Video" logo along the...

Persona 4 Fansite Listing and PV Version A

Another mini update to the Persona 4 website today. Atlus has been gathering P4 fansites for some time now since the Special Volume No.1 Newsletter and now a new button has appeared that leads visitors to the list. Looks like any personal blogs that simply keep track of any Atlus game are eligible for the listing, though. The other...

Makoto Shinkai, No Autographs at BFI 5cm Screening?

Well, just two weeks until 5cm goes onto the big screen in London, with BFI starting the screening off with a live interview with the producer Makoto Shinkai himself. As of now, most of the central seats appear to be filled with over 200 people booked in. Think I'll just have to take a side seat near the middle. Otherwise I'll have a sore...

Flow, Word of the Voice Single

The second op single for the Persona Trinity Soul from Flow is finally out. The way they've laid out the lyrics in the booklet is pretty cool. Here are the lyrics and English translations for the three songs on it. For the first song "Word of the Voice" it sounds like the lyrics is divided into two parts; one who's having love trouble and...

Persona 4, Rise Kujikawa the National Top Idol

Yet another mystery character is revealed. Just one more left. Rise Kujikawa (Voiced by Rie Kugimiya, Louise from "Zero no Tsukaima") Rise (ree-seh) is a top national idol who saw her debut many years ago when she won an audition. She was active in the city for some time but suddenly, she is transferred over to Yasogami High. Whatever...

Persona Trinity Soul 22

Late getting this typed up to post because it's been a busy week preparing for interviews and assessment centres. Episode 22 Summary - Yorishiro Enraged by the look of the Ayane clone's soul-less eyes, Sotaro strikes out at her with his Persona. Watching, Saki is shocked to see the weapon fails to make a mark on the Ayane clone. A much...