The website for S-E's mystery action game "Sigma Harmonics" has been updated letting gamer's know it will be due out on August 21st. They've also added Sigma and Neon's voice in the Characters section, an Art Gallery and the Systems section. So the gameplay goes like this.
First, you must weave time together in the Great Clock Tower...
I need to learn how to edit and test Wordpress themes offline. Spent a good couple of hours messing about with the CSS again today. I don't actually know the language so I've just been hacking pre-written themes with the HTML knowledge I have. If you're using Firefox then, you should be able to see the new blue tabs that you can highlight...
I found out about the follow-up Manga to Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto, "Natsu no Sora" a few months ago back in January but, I didn't know it was being turned into an Anime show already. I liked the first series so I guess this will be the next show I'll be covering (depending on time of course). Odd there's not much information about this...
Episode 21 Summary - The Remaining Time Both Kunio and Akihiko were at the hospital. Tomohiro didn't manage to escape the Marebito's attack when they abducted Jun and now, he was struck down with Apathy Syndrome. Shin was sitting outside holding the pink dress that Yuki had bought when the others arrived. A few minutes later, Akihiko...
A bit disappointed that the Mario Kart Wii online competitions aren't knock out tournaments. I know it would be hard to get players to "meet up" at a certain time but, they could always let players upload ghost data before a certain time and arrange the knockouts that way. Despite saying that though, the two competitions that's been on...
It's past Friday again and you know what that means... Another Persona 4 website update! This time Atlus has another teaser video for download named, "Rush" and have added a clip to Kuma's profile. The midnight weather easter eggs also continue. The site was sunny at the time of writing this. Setting my clock to the midnight hour then...
While I was working on my blog for the day I heard birds outside in my garden chirping very quickly and loudly. I didn't really take notice at first because it wasn't really bothering me and it wasn't the first time they did that. However, the chirping continued for some time and eventually other birds started joining in. I looked out the...
Decided to mess about with the CSS and PHP code today to customise my blog a little further which is why you may have seen the "Maintenance" page several times today. Didn't really change that much but I took off the giant green tabs that used to be in the top-left corner and moved the items down just beneath the header image. I actually...
Atlus has started to give their upcoming Persona 4 RPG some special coverage in their April/May issue of their Atlus Express Newsletter. Volume One was released a number of days ago but, here's a brief summary of the answers Director Katsura Hashino had for the questions fans sent in.
Is the world that "Persona 4 (P4)" is set in linked...
Haven't been able to update the blog much for this week because I've been busy with presentations, exams and coursework to finish up for this semester. Going to be busy trying to find something productive and future career related for the summer too but, that's another topic. Anyway, back to writing some blog content! Episode 7...