LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

White Album, Episodes Summaries 11 ~ 13, End Thoughts

Episode 11"Time won't resolve the thorns in our hearts for us. For it only puts a label of oblivion on them." Eiji explains how both Rina and Yuki must fill their venues to stand a chance of beating the Sakura group by surpassing their mobilisation value. As they both go about their rehearsals, Yayoi and Rina talk about how they are both...

Akikan, Episode Summaries 11 ~ 12, End Thoughts

Episode 11 Shock! The Strongest Akikan Kisaki is in hospital and Budoko goes missing. Not long afterwards, Najimi is found in hospital and Yell is missing too. It is then that both Kakeru and Melon learn from Kisaki about the strongest Akikan there was is out targeting all the other Akikans, no matter whether they were steel or...

Earth Hour 2009

"When the lights go down there is no sound... And the night becomes a shining stage." Didn't know about "Earth Hour" until today when I just happened to come across someone's post on Danny Choo.com and thought I'd join in. You're just expected to turn out the lights between 8:30 and 9:30pm to show your concern for Earth and global...

Watching the Early Spring Evening Skies

Bit of a more personal post this... Watching the early spring evening skies as the clouds flow by, change colours and dimming with Frederick Chopin's "Grand Waltz Brilliant" playing in the background was very soothing for some reason today. Just happened to have it playing from the Eternal Sonata soundtrack as I was getting up to...

PSP Cache Helps with Persona PSP Battle Loading Times

Director Meguro has a sample UMD of the upcoming Persona PSP remake and he reports that the loading time seems to shorten for battle encounters if you have a PSP-2000 or newer. Starting off with 5 seconds for the first battle, the loading time gradually decreases to 2 seconds in later encounters. Most likely because of the cache memory...

Wii's Storage Potential Unlocked

It looks like Nintendo has finally decided to unlock the full potential of the Wii's SD card slot which previously could only be accessed via hacks. Now, everyone can use up to 32GB SDHC cards to store and play Virtual Console and WiiWare titles. Who knows. Maybe we'll be able to load "open source" ISOs off memory cards instead of...

Ys I & II Chronicles PSP Remake

Well, we've had a remake of Ys I and II for the DS so it shouldn't be surprising that the PSP will be getting its own version too. Announced together with Ys VII, "Ys I & II Chronicles" will feature the following: Not sure I would play the titles again just for these features. Unlike Chrono Trigger, the story just isn't as compelling....

Falcom's Latest ARPG, Ys VII For PSP This September

Falcom has announced that the next title in their Ys series will not be developed for the PC but the PSP instead! Due sometime this September, Ys VII takes place in the Dukedom of Altago and will feature a new three member party battle system allowing you to select two other characters to support you. I hope this doesn't ruin the insanely...

Cloud Computed Gaming, Never Buy New Hardware Again

"Cloud computing" isn't a new concept but, the meaning of the term is still currently very ambiguous in the IT industry at the moment and has only been getting more attention of late thanks to the increase of affordable high speed internet access in homes. Everything done on home computers are currently processed on your own machine...

Kemono no Souja Erin, Episodes 08 ~ 11 Summaries

Episode 8 The Beekeeper John Asson returns to the People of the Fog to report what happened to Soyon and they are all deeply grieved by the news. It was also fortunate that the Grand Duke's follower decided to tell everyone to keep what Soyon done during her execution a secret or they would be in trouble. Meanwhile, Erin is found by the...