LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Only The Japanese Appreciate the Work of Others?

Here are the results of the recent international poll on the Wii's "Everybody Votes" channel asking, "At the end of a movie, do you watch the title credits to the end?" And the majority of results for every country apart from Japan was "No" surprisingly. Well, I guess pretty much everyone here does leave at the end of a movie in the...

Persona PSP Opening and Ending Lyrics

Still finishing the different branches in Persona PSP but I've already taken a liking to the music for some time. Some notes Meguro made about these compositions is that he was aiming for the same pop style used in Persona 3/4 so that players who are playing this game because of those titles will feel more at home. He also wanted to...

Summer Sky Shot June 2009

Just felt like posting this shot of the evening sky I took about a week ago. Been paying a lot more attention to the sky since taking a liking to Makoto Shinkai's works after watching 5cm. With the weather so hot during the day, it's been great going for my 30 minute jog 6 in the morning when the sun's already shining brightly but while the air...

Doraemon 2008 - Nobita and the Legend of the Green Giant

Yes, I still like watching Doraemon. Laugh all you want =P Almost forgot about this Nobita and the Legend of the Green Giant from 2008 but, better late than never. This is one of the better new Doraemon movies I've seen full of comedy and less repetitive talking animals material. I'm liking the modern animation style, artwork and the...

Case of Nanaki Translation Completed, Thoughts

You can now read my translation of Case of Nanaki up on my other website FFVII Novels. Before anyone criticises my translations, I'd just like to point out that I'm simply sticking to as close to the original text as possible. Despite it's been almost 4 years since Kazushige Nojima wrote the last two stories of On the Way to a Smile, his...

Building Another PC, Problems with the XFX 8200 Mainboard

The old PC I gave to my brother broke down for some reason and since the components aren't as widely available now, he decided to build a new one with my help. Nice blue glow eh? Too bad the "bubble lights" on the Galaxy III Black case aren't the sort that really bubbles with water inside. The bubbles inside don't move at all. So the side is...

Kemono no Souja Erin, Episode Summaries 20 ~ 23

Episode 20 The King Beast Named "Lilan" Erin is given special permission to learn about cleaning after a King Beast but she almost forgets until Yuyan reminded her at the library that morning. For their lesson, they were to help clean the King Beast's nest of its excrement. As the teacher gives instructions to guide the King Beast out...

Logitech LX8 Cordless Laser Mouse Review

Got myself a new wireless mouse, the Logitech LX8 because the wire on my old Microsoft Optical Mouse was getting in my way whenever I spread out documents on my desk. I was actually looking for one with a blue LED but couldn't find one... Packaging It comes with an extension USB cord for plugging in the mini receiver and two alkaline...

The New "Squiggly Bridge" in Glasgow

They finally completed and opened up the new "squiggly bridge" (it's yet to be officially named) while I was away in HK. The shape is supposed to look like that of waves. I guess the engineer never imagined it would be used as a slide when he/she designed it. Went to have a closer look and I found a lot of slide marks down the slopes in the...

Street Fighter IV PC Benchmark

Want to see what Street Fighter IV will look like or even how it will perform on your PC? Well, the non-playable 397MB benchmark's up for download now over at 4Gamer.net but, I suggest you grab it from a torrent or some alternative source because the site's server is really slow just now with nearly everyone linking to it. Be sure to turn...