Et voilĂ ! Here is a quick review (or should I say peek?) of the FFVII Advent Children Complete Postcard Book I picked up while I was in HK but, you can also import it from Play Asia. I say quick because there really isn't much to say about it besides being a collection of 24 B6 sized glossy postcards featuring a mix of both old and new CG...
The next title in Atlus' operation game series "Trauma Centre" will be "Trauma Team" and the official press release description goes...
An entirely new medical entertainment experience from the makers of the award-winning Trauma Center® series. Encounter unprecedented depth across six distinct fields of medicine: play as a...
It's been three years since the first game and Santa Destroy has been developed into a tourist site. One day Travis Touchdown, who has fallen down to rank fifty-one, meets the provocative Sylvia Christel from the UAA again and a story filled with battles begin. There's not much details at the moment besides some teasing screenshots...
The PS3 doesn't have many good exclusive games (at least for me), yet here's what they decide to do with it... From June 6th 2009, PS3 owners will be able to subscribe to "Misato Katsuragi's Information Plan" for 800 Yen (US$8) per month which will have Misato reading news from the internet via the "NERV News 24 Channel" covering...
Episode 16
The Ze Zan, Iyar Good news arrives from John's old friend Ethal who decides to make an exception for Erin to take an entrance exam despite the annual one being already over. Together with the Nukku and Mokku, they make their way to the Royal City where Erin hears a harp playing and remembers the man from four years ago that had...
Finally decided to take the plunge and went for a DSLR because I like taking night photography and it's difficult to snap them without much noise on the Canon Powershot A720 IS. Not to mention I also wanted to snap photos in RAW so that they don't suffer from lossy JPEG compression (in theory). Somehow, I ended up with yet another Sony...
Episode 15
Carnage Kuro meets an old acquaintance Shinra who once left the Sacred Land together with Reishin. They battle it out but something seems to be holding back Kuro. Meanwhile, Yuki was confronting her Master Root Akane but was surprised to find she was pitied and that Akane wasn't afraid of dying. Just as Kuraki enters to kill...
Last Remnant tells of Rush who is trying to find his sister Irina having been kidnapped by an mysterious man. While out looking for her, he comes across a battle and meets Lord Davis and his generals. After learning he was the son of famous scientists researching Remnants, they decide to help him find his sister. Now the PC version has a...
Got back to Glasgow seven in the morning. First thing you'll probably notice is all the greenery here as you're landing compared to in HK. Then once you get off the plane, you feel the cold biting in. I'd rather be in the heat than in the cold which appears to be what the majority of people on Everybody Votes seem to prefer too. Time to catch up...
Well well, time flies. It's almost time for me to return to the UK so this will probably be my last post before then. If the urban surroundings of the "concrete forest" (as Hong Kong people refer to the high rise building surroundings) or tourist attractions don't tempt you, you could always visit the rural areas where the shops are a...