LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

FFVII Advent Children Complete, The Changes and Extras

FFVII:AC Complete is finally available complete with English dub but no subs. Seems they've made quite a number of changes - Re-recording the audio tracks, remixing the music and making slight changes to directions and scenes. They've toned down the coolness of the movie and have expanded on covering subjects such as Geostigma to...

Persona PSP Opening

The opening for Atlus' upcoming remake of Persona is up on their site now so you can hear a bit more of the theme song than what's available in the sample music section of the site. Wasn't going to post about it because I'm sure most people who are interested already check the site frequently. Lots of eyes! I don't think they've revealed who...

Kurokami The Animation, Episode Summaries 11 ~ 14

Episode 11Reunion Keita wakes up to find Akane, Kuro and an old friend by his side. He was surprised to find that his classmate Sawamura, who he thought had died long ago in an accident, standing before him. However, Sawamura doesn't answer to the name and says he was now Daichi Kuraki working for the Kaionji group. They had arranged for...

160GB Toshiba Store Alu 2.5" Mobile Hard Drive

Decided to buy myself a portable hard drive to back up all the photos and short videos I've been taking with the Canon A720 IS. Originally thought of buying another 32GB flash drive but, they're too small because I've accumulated over 40GB of photos since getting my first 2MP digital camera. So, I went for this small budget 160GB Toshiba...

Evangelion 2.0 Countdown Calendar

Here's something for the collectors... Buy advance sale tickets from Animate for the upcoming Evangelion 2.0 movie and you can get your hands on one of these countdown sticker calendars. It comes with a set of 22 stickers for a small extra of 638 Yen (US$7). Only available for purchase from April 18th onwards. In other words, get the...

Final Fantasy VII International for PS3 and PSP

Maybe this will help tone down all the speculations surrounding a remake of FFVII when that teaser was found at the end of Crisis Core. FFVII International, which includes a number of changes that were later added in the US version, is available for download to play on the PS3 or PSP from today onwards in Japan for 1500 Yen (US$15). Good...

The Recent Efficiency of the Mail Service

I notice that all of my First Class packages arrive the next day after I receive a dispatched email now instead of two or three days later. I wonder if it has anything to do with the economic climate that's going on? Less people spending money less mail to get delivered or, are people working harder to keep their jobs? Other than that, not...

JLPT Study Guide and Mock Test Books

I've been thinking about taking the JLPT for a while now because the official certification for my self-learned Japanese should come in handy if I ever work in Asia or at least for a company that has branches in Japan. I still haven't done so yet because I'm not too confident about passing and I have to go all the way down to London to take it....

Rebuild of Evangelion 1.01 Movie The Game

From June 4th, you can experience the Rebuild world of Evangelion on your PSP or PS2. "Rebuild of Evangelion 1.01" fairly much looks like the existing Bandai games available for the two consoles where you can interact with the characters during your everyday life as Shinji as the story progresses with multi-branching scenarios....

Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou, Episode Summaries 11 ~ 13, End Thoughts

Episode 11 The Gathering of the Shaman Natsume was out with Touko to help her with the shopping. Feeling that he's the one that's always being looked after, he wishes that he could help someone too one day. Just then they notice a wounded Youkai falling from the sky but it was too late by the time they caught up with it in the forest. Another...