Shinkai, Amazon and Media Factory have all updated their sites with the cover that will be used for the novel. I was actually expecting to see it on Shinkai's site first but Amazon actually had it much earlier. In fact, trying to find more info about the novel hadn't been that easy and Amazon was kind of the last place I expected to find any....
Finished Paper Mario for the Wii in 19 hours and the fun didn't last very long. I kind of had to drag myself through the game after getting half way through. Besides the dull story and the (mostly) boring script that I mentioned last time, here's the other things I didn't like.
Too easy to beat. Carrying a few Ice Storms around pretty much...
It's been pretty quiet with news about the next Rebuild of Evangelion movie lately but I guess it's still early to start building up the hype. Still no news concerning who the new character and scenes are all about. The good news for those who are anticipating the DVD release of the first movie is two English subbed clips have been leaked...
As you may know from my last post, this new animated opening for Yggdra Union PSP was directed by the same person who done the Persona 3 cutscenes, Yukio Takatsu so I couldn't help but notice the similarities in his directing style. You might too if you've played P3. Take for example how there's many moon shots, the glowing golden crosses...
Anyone remember the days of 1.44MB floppy disks? I do and even though they are still on sale in stores today, they're becoming very rare. You'll find students carrying mini USB flash drives around more now. They look cooler and those who work with large files such as databases, accounting spreadsheets or high resolution graphics can...
The Trauma Centre New Blood site is now officially open! It's no longer the promotional Tuesday site now but it would be great to see the same update schedule continuing. They've added plenty of material such as the story, character profiles, game system, previous trailers and two downloadable wallpapers. It's good to see theyre...
Just another two weeks before the PAL release of Metroid Prime 3 comes out and we finally have that free preview channel today that the US got about two months ago. You'll find it in the Wii Shop. Most (including me) will expect they've already watched all the trailers since it's been that long already but there's actually new videos too...
In the last official website update, we saw the first trailer of the upcoming, "Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku" PSP game. This time Game Watch helps uncover a little more information about the game than what the actual website's latest update reveals.
There is going to be two theme songs in the game. One will be "HareHare Yukai", the...
The Monster Hunter ARPG series has pretty much been an exclusive Sony title when it first started out but lately, we've seen an online PC and mobile phone version too. Now it looks like it's going to continue to go multi-platform because Capcom has announced that the latest title in the series, Monster Hunter 3, will no longer be...
Ah, the blog's alive! So, here I was catching up on and preparing my posts for the day. A few moments later, I decide to resume my work only to find this.
Yes, a sign saying that my blog had been suspended due to a violation of Wordpress' ToS. Obviously I was not very happy when I saw the sign because ever since moving my blog, a good number of my...