LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Wii Firmware Update v3.10, Channel Updates and Flash Exploit Fixed?

If you don't leave your Wii on standby mode like I do then, you might be interested to know there was a number of updates for the console today. Three in total in fact. First up is the firmware that makes the Wii tick, upgrading from v3.00 to v3.10. The only real change is that USB keyboards can now be used in the Internet Channel and Everybody...

5 Centimeters per Second Novel November Release Date Confirmed

Just a few days ago, I posted about the rumours that a standalone version of the "5 Centimeters per Second" novel was going to be released next month. Well, I've finally found a different source besides the JP Wikipedia and blogs. While searching for news about the novel as usual, a new result popped up today and it was from the Amazon...

Trauma Center New Blood Boxart isn't Looking too Good

It's the second Tuesday in October today so that means Windows Updates and, an update for the Trauma Center New Blood promo site. Last time we got a new trailer but today, we've just got this boxart. Doesn't look very good, does it? It's as if not enough people found out about Second Opinion being an innovative operation game the last...

The Remixed OST of the Evangelion 1.0 Rebuild Movie

I've been really excited about the Rebuild of Evangelion movies ever since I learned about them but, I hadn't really thought much about the soundtracks that were going to be used. Soundtracks are really the last thing that comes to mind TBH since it's usually the story you get to read about first or visual screenshots. So I was a bit...

A Classic Anime Based on a French Novel, Fifteen Boys Stranded at Sea

Just came across this classic movie while I was going through my old collection of VHS tapes full of recorded Anime. They were all recorded during the days when only 56Kbps connections were affordable and you had to pay by the minute to surf online. You can imagine the bills that one could knock up. These days it's much more convenient of...

Thoughts on Persona 3 and Half an Hour of P3 FES, The Expansion

I've finished Persona 3 at 70 hours and am now playing my way through Paper Mario on the Wii so, watch out for spoilers in this post. While I was Googling for the correct pronunciation of the P3 animated scenes' director's name yesterday, I just happened to come across this Youtube video which covers the first half hour of the expansion...

Yggdra Union Remake for PSP in 2008, Riviera PSP Special Edition

I think it was pretty obvious that Sting was going to bring their next popular SRPG "Yggdra Union" over to the PSP. Originally released for the Gameboy Advance back in March 2006, details about what's new is pretty thin at the moment. The official site isn't open until October 9th but you can expect the remake to contain the following...

5 Centimeters per Second Novel Coming November?

Ah, finally a release date for the 5cm novel. Well, it's actually unconfirmed but as you know, the serialised version of the novel just ended in last month's October issue of Da Vinci. Now several Japanese blogs are claiming the standalone version is due out next month in November. Even the Wikipedia entry's been updated with this...

The FFVII: Crisis Core Desktop Accessories for Square-Enix Members Only

I checked the Crisis Core SE Members site again today and it seems it's been relocated. Looks like SE is revamping the whole club section of their site so that members can choose their own skins and use avatars. The desktop accessories software is now up but unfortunately, you have to be logged in to add the Crisis Core items to it. The main...

Trauma Center Second Opinion Soundtrack, New Blood Promotion Site Up

Just came across this file while I was trying to find some new info about Trauma Center: New Blood. If the original DS game soundtrack wasn't enough for you then, maybe you'll like the remixes from Second Opinion. Again, these files are just rips so the track names are unofficial. You can thank "Cubed" for recording them! Grab them from...