LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Super Paper Mario Glitch Corrupts Internet Channel?

My Internet Channel was working fine until I came across that glitch in Paper Mario which freezes your Wii. Then it just refused to connect to any websites when I ran it again today (last time I ran it was before I encountered the glitch). Thought it might have been my internet connection acting up again but the other channels such as...

Anime Fans have a New Meaning for "Nice Boat" after School Days Series Ends

Don't let that picture of cute innocent looking girls fool you for this is not your common harem Anime show like Love Hina. Although I haven't been watching "School Days", it's managed to stir up a lot of attention over the past few days. Based on an adult visual novel game of the same name which is infamous for its "bad endings", the story...

FFVII Crisis Core, Impressions and Hints at an FFVII Remake?

Well, 14 hours was how long it took to finish FFVII: Crisis Core's main story. I didn't expect it to be this short when it was leaked on 2ch but looks like it's true. But if you did all the short side missions, you could land up to 50 hours! The RPG's been fun in terms of gameplay with a bit of freedom to roam, easy instant access to shops, no...

Monster Hunter Portable 2 to get Extended "G" Version

So, it's been over a month since Monster Hunter Portable 2nd arrived on Western shores. Meanwhile in Japan, Final Fantasy IV is getting a 3D DS remake, Disgaea is getting another PSP version with an online VS mode like the upcoming US version and Riviera is also getting a second "Special Edition" version with more fan service. Looks...

Suzumiya Haruhi Games with Bonus CD, Figures and Premium Box Versions

The site for the upcoming PSP visual novel game, "Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku (The Promise of Haruhi Suzumiya)" was re-done last month and since then, there's been a fair amount of content added to site. In case you don't know what the game's about, you'll be playing as Kyon and you'll be going through the same story as the show. You'll be...

Code Geass The Complete Guide Arrives, Content Impressions

Just received my copy of the recently published "Official Code Geass The Complete" guide book from my penpal. Had to ask him to get it for me because my usual import sites didn't have it at the time (at least not the ones that didn't charge a huge postage and handling fee!). If you want to order this now though, you can get it from Yesasia. The...

Ubisoft to Bring "No More Heroes" to the West

Yay, another Wii title I want to play that's going to get localised for the West. One less reason for me to get an import Wii. Despite getting bored of the GTA games long ago, "No More Heroes" looks like a fun game (at least one that makes good use of the Wiimote). Swinging your Wiimote like a Katana and putting it to your ear to answer calls......