LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Square-Enix's "It's a Wonderful World" OST Gets Released Today

"Subarashiki Kono Sekai" has quite a cool selection of music so I've been looking forward to this release. Over the past few days, I even just left the official music site open in the background just to listen to the music! Unfortunately, it seems no one has ripped the CDs yet when I went scouring the net for it today. Instead, I came across...

Trauma Center Second Opinion Finished in a Few Hours, Follow-up Thoughts

Good to see Trauma Center Second Opinion sitting in the top 10 Wii titles on Amazon! But considering how there are currently few good Wii games out here in PAL land, it might not be that surprising. The latest titles for Nintendo's classic series such as Paper Mario and Metroid Prime 3 are yet to come out. Here's my follow-up post that I...

Code Geass Sound Episode 6 Tracks Revealed, What's that Bonus Track?

The release date and tracks for the final Code Geass drama CD has been revealed on the Livedoor Anime News Blog. Nice cover too since it features the cast from the first season. Now why did I bother importing that July issue of Newtype? Well, guess I have the other 3 tracks that this CD won't have at least and it's good news for fans that...

Installing the PS2 Swap Magic Wasn't as Hard as it Sounded

Helped my brother install the Swap Magic cover on his SCHP-50003 PS2 today. He decided to go with the Swap Magic 3 Coder Plus and the Slider Tool Pro because he didn't want the console chipped to play imports. Was a bit worried when I was going to remove the front CD cover because people were saying how easy it was to break the clips. It was...

Wii's Internet Channel Exploit Not Patched After All

Looks like the Flash exploit hasn't been patched with yesterday's update after all. I was using the Internet Channel as usual today and ironically, the problematic Flash presentation that froze my Wii was on Nintendo's very own site! I always visit the European Nintendo site via the Favourites section of the browser just to see...

The Annual Perseid Meteor Shower, Saw Nothing but Clouds...

Last night was supposedly the best time to view the annual Perseid meteor shower after 21:00 GMT and was due to peak at sunrise. What was special about this year's event was you could see the shooting stars in the sky easily with the naked eye because it happened during the dark hours without a moon. So I decided to stay up until morning last...