LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, Release Date and PSP Package

First off, hope you had a good night for those of you who went out for Halloween! Over at my place usually one or two group of kids come to ring the door bell for "Trick or Treat" but this year, the streets were deserted. Maybe it was because of the bad windy weather outside. So, onto the gaming news. It's nothing exact yet but we now know this...

Trauma Center: New Blood, More Footage of the New Faces

For this week's Trauma Center: New Blood update we've got a new video introducing the "New Faces". We've heard and seen Markus, Valerie and Elena before but they introduce a few other characters too including Professor Wilkins who mentions some sort of disease. I'm pretty sure this is going to be the epic disease that threatens the...

European Release Date Set for No More Heroes

It appears Ubisoft won't be the ones publishing "No More Heroes" over here but, it looks like we Europeans will be getting the game on around the same date as NA in February 2008. Great news! Just a pity we won't be getting the Metal Key Katana accessory as an early purchase gift too. Here's the full press release from Rising Star: Rising...

Super Mario Galaxy Leaked, New Protection Doesn't Last Long

So it's only a few days left before the next most anticipated Mario title, Super Mario Galaxy is released over in Japan. As usual with big releases it's already been floating around the net for several days now (the English version too!) but, scene discussion forums have been going rampant due to what appears to be a new copy protection...

British Summer Time Ends Tonight, Check Those Clocks!

It's the last Sunday of October and you know what that means. British Summer Time (AKA, Daylight Saving Time) ends tonight and clocks in the UK go back an hour. Means people working on a Sunday morning will be gaining an hour's sleep! Not bad eh? Don't forget to adjust those clocks now if you're in the UK....

Falcom Announces Ys I and Ys II DS Remake

It's not the first time the Ys I and II have been remade. I guess Falcom's decision to remake it again must be due to the influence of other games company such as Square-Enix doing remakes too recently. I only played through Ys II Eternal on PC and although both the graphics and the gameplay system were very much dated compared to other...

Persona 3 Drama CD - A Certain Day of Summer

It's been a while since I last looked for the other Persona 3 drama CDs so I decided to search again hoping someone else had put them up. Indeed I managed to find "A Certain Day of Summer" but the "Moonlight" CD is still nowhere to be found. The story here takes place before Persona 3 FES and doesn't have a dark mysterious touch to it like the...

FFVII Potion Character Cans on Sale, Middle-Aged Men Unpopular

Not long after Square-Enix's Volume 1 series of FFVII Potion energy drinks went on sale last month, the Volume 2 series were already hitting the stores yesterday. This time it's the silver "FFVII Character Cans" that were shown at the FFVII 10th Annivery Gallery, with a total of 16 character designs to collect. Most convenience...

Trauma Center New Blood Tuesday, New Trailer and Videos

Today we've got a brand new trailer and eight other videos showing off the tools on the Trauma Center: New Blood site. All available for download at high res. I hope this isn't another case of Triti! I know GUILT won't be in this sequel but it sure looks pretty similar. After watching through them, here's a few things I've noticed:...

Eledees, Impressions and a Bit of Motion Sickness

Decided to pick up Elebits to play until something else interesting comes out. I don't see why they changed the name to Eledees for Europe when the original name sounds better. Well, at least we got the Japanese box art which I prefer over the pastel style NA picture that you can see on the manual here. As usual, I done my research for this...