Looks like more and more games are going multi-platform and that's probably a good thing since it means you won't have to own multiple consoles. This time, Nippon Ichi's popular Disgaea is given the new subtitle "Makai no Oushi to Akatsuki" as it prepares to hit the DS in Japan some time this Spring. Not really surprised when I heard the...
The official site has announced that Flow, the band who sang Code Geass' first OP "Colors", will be singing the new opening for the show called "Word of the Voice".
It doesn't say when the opening will be used but it will probably appear in episode fourteen when the series has reached half way. "Colors" was a great song so this shouldnt...
After arriving in London for around a month now, Shinkai seemed to have finally settled down enough to post on his website about his wellbeing. He writes:
March 20th 2008 My friends in Japan have told me that the cherry blossoms are about to bloom [over there]. However, [here] in London it still feels very much like Winter. Theres...
With a title like "Time Hollow: Seeking the Stolen Past (Ubawareta Kako wo Motomete)" I'm sure Konami's latest visual novel game will catch quite a bit of attention. After all, I'm sure the majority of people would be interested to know what it would be like to change the past or travel through time.
The story begins the day just before...
Episode 12 Summary, Saviour Eiko is at Ryo's office with a report of the drugs she found within the young student corpses from the incident at the park. They were all new unapproved drugs and thus it won't be possible to find out what they're composed of. Besides, that a young man who used someone else's ID card had dropped by at the morgue...
Episode 11 Summary, The Definition of Dependency A group of students at Naginomori High are secretly gathering together in a room. Megumi was ready to break up the Kagenuki meeting together with Takuro and Shin by dealing with their leader. She was not going to let any more people get hurt. However, they burst in only to find Kanaru as...
Right after the opening video you're thrown into the first main stage of the game, ready to fight your way to the first boss assassin. You're also given an optional interactive tutorial where you get a chance to learn the basic controls. Once you've worked your way through, you're pretty much left to your own devices. You can hang out at...
Less than a week left until dating sim Code Geass Lost Colors is released and it looks like promotion is under way. Came across this pamphlet which pretty much shows what we already know about the game but, there is one thing I don't remember reading. It appears they'll be using "Colors" the first opening theme song by Flow and will be...
Atlus' Persona 4 is finally revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu. It looks like that investments company was right about how it would be a PS2 game. I'm not going to post the magazine photos here since you can just about find them anywhere amongst all the gaming blogs and forums.
Due on July 10th 2008 and 85% complete at the time of the...
I haven't been keeping up on the latest details about season two of Code Geass like the fans over at Animesuki but, it just emerged on Famitsu today that Orange Range will be the ones singing the new opening and ending songs. They will be "O2 ~Oh~Two~" and "Shiawase Neiro" respectively. I'm not sure what to make of this. The band's done...