LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Code Geass R2 - Episode 3

Despite the six minute video leak that happened a few days ago, episode three continues as planned today with nothing editted, clearing up more questions and showing more flashbacks. Episode 3 Summary - The Captive Academy As Rollo revealed his reason for appearing in front of the Chinese Embassy, his phone rings. He answers and is...

Persona Trinity Soul 16

Episode 16 Summary - The Child of Liberation and the Spirit of Healing The Marebito's leader Kyujo is resting as Saki shares what little of the pills she had left amongst her team members. Udou was hesitant but she insists saying that she will manage because she hadn't absorbed that many Personas. Satorou chips in to accept the pills...

Wii Region Free without Freeloader Disc

So it's now possible to play games from other regions thanks to Datel's Freeloader (available from both Code Junkies and Play-Asia) but, there have been reports that a recent mini update from Nintendo has blocked it. Well, here's another option now using the ELF exploit that was found in the Zelda Twilight Princess game and can be run...

Asian Pro Gamers to Carry Olympic Torch

One of the world's most famous Warcraft III players, Jae Ho "Moon" Jang and Xiao Feng "Sky" Li have been chosen to carry Olympic torch in Beijing, China along with other fellow electronic sports stars. That's what will happen according to SK Gaming via Gamespot China. No offence to the pro gamers who I know are like celebrities over in...

Persona 4, Yukiko Amagi Profile and Murder Keyword

Yukiko Amagi's profile has been added to the Persona 4 website together with a video. There's also a reminder about the midnight surprise if you don't know already. Yukiko Amagi As the daughter of the mistress of a long established high class hotel, Yukiko has a very busy daily schedule. She also awakens as a Persona User but how is she...

Evangelion 1.0 Rebuild Movie LE DVD Box Contents Revealed

I hope this isn't the final design for the Evangelion 1.0 Rebuild LE DVD that comes out next week. It's so plain and I thought the box was supposed to have an original illustration? Maybe I should just cancel my pre-order. Then again, it might not be the final design because those two discs aren't even labelled unless they are so lazy that...

Petit Evangelion DS Game Advertised with UCC Coffee Cans

As if the Rebuild of Evangelion promotion wasn't enough for UCC's coffee cans, Bandai has teamed up with the company to promote their Petit Evangelion DS game via their drinks this month. Produced in limited quantity, there are two designs as shown here; one of the Petit Eva cast and one of Rei drawn by Sadamoto Yoshiyuki the character...

Last 6 Minutes of Unaired Code Geass R2 Episode 3 Leaked

When I first saw this "6 minutes" of Code Geass R2 raw floating around, I dismissed it thinking it was just some promotional video or something. It wasn't marked as episode three and I don't keep track of Anime news. Thanks to reader Calvin, I now know it's actually a leak of the next episode due this Sunday. I don't know why anyone would...

Persona Trinity Soul OST Due in July

Well, another eleven more episodes until Persona Trinity Soul ends which will be around the end of June so I guess July is a good time for the OST. The official site reports the soundtrack will be due on July 2nd at 3675 Yen (US$36), composed by Taku Iwasaki. There isn't a track listing at the moment but, I'm presuming the ones with Lotus...

Code Geass R2 - Episode 2

Episode 2 Summary - Operation Independent Japan The Britannia forces are moving in on Babel Tower in an attempt to wipe out the remaining Black Knight terrorists. As the troops infiltrate the tower, Kallen and the others were doing their best to bide some time for Lelouch to learn the tower's structure and come up with a plan. Kallen...