LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

FFVII Crisis Core Getting Special Pre-Order Edition

According to Eurogamer.net, Europe maybe set to get a "Special Pre-Order Edition" of the much awaited Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core due around mid-June in Europe. Apparently the £24.99 package (€32)will come in a special box, the game and a hardback forty-eight page "Art of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII" artbook. I guess this is a way...

No More Heroes EU Version, Impressions and a Comic Manual

キタ━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━ッ!! That's the second time I've said that because once again, No More Heroes was something I had been waiting in anticipation for for a long time. I pre-ordered my copy with Gameplay and fortunately it managed to arrive today so I can spend the weekend on it. Great how they (almost) always seem to get my preorders...

DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Dragon Ball History Summed Up in 8 Hours

Decided to buy "DragonBall Z Budoukai Tenkaichi 3" after hearing about the delay No More Heroes had to go through and having nothing much else to play on the Wii a few weeks ago. Launching the channel you'll hear someone reading out the entire game title in a cheezy way which doesn't give very good first impressions. However, this is...

Caramelldansen, Do the Dance and Buy the Clips!

Behold! The latest craze to reach the Otaku population, "Caramelldansen"! I don't know how this started but suddenly I was seeing this in a lot of people's avatars in the Animesuki forums. I didn't even recognise the dance was from the OP of an adult visual novel game named "Popotan" that I watched long ago during the 56k days....

Kaguya Sends Back HD Videos of the Moon and Earthrise

Remember Kaguya (AKA, "Selene"), the lunar probe that was launched from Tanegashima a few months ago? It doesn't really have much to do with "5 Centimetres per Second" but since the island was used as a setting in the movie, I thought I would put this post under that category anyway just like the last one. It was interesting to find the...

Code Geass Lost Colors, Differences Between the PS2 and PSP Versions

Just two weeks left until the visual novel game "Code Geass Lost Colors" is out and I just happened to come across this scan that shows the differences between the PS2 and PSP versions. In both versions players will be able to experience the following scenarios: Besides having an exclusive "Theatre Mode", the PS2 will also have a...

Persona Trinity Soul 10

I finally catch up with the show. I hadn’t been able to post summaries until this weekend because I’ve been busy with coursework and migrating my blog over to this new host. It’s good to see the story is picking up from what I’ve missed. Note that you may have a little bit of déjà vu in this latest episode because the events actually happen in...

MP3 Players and Photos in Shopping Centres

Snapped this picture a few days ago in a shopping centre because I thought Advanced MP3 Players was just an online store. Their service was great. Quick e-mail responses and fast courier based deliveries so it was interesting to find they had set up a stall here too. I used to order from them when DAPs only played a limited number of file...

Black Mages 3rd Album, Darkness and Starlight

Didn't know the Black Mages are ready to release their third album, "Darkness and Starlight" next week on March 19th. It's been a while since I listened to their rock re-mixes of Final Fantasy music but I remember their first album was great. Second one was so-so because it didn't contain as many good re-mixes, though. On the first...

Persona Trinity Soul 09

Episode 9 Summary, The Call from the Sea Eiko was cutting out some scraps out of a newspaper article which talked about the disappearance of some divers who were out at sea near the coasts of Toyama. She gazes at a photo of someone who appears to be herself. It was a holiday and Shin was up earlier than usual. He was in a good mood as he browsed...