The latest free Wii Channel available for download in Japan starting today is "The Foretelling Today and Tomorrow, Lucky Channel"! Not quite as long as Brain Age's title but, still pretty long. As the name suggests, this is basically a fortune telling software. Allowing you to register up to a maximum of six Miis, you enter a birthday...
Already stopped playing DJMP Clazziquai now but, been listening to their discography everyday. I really like the fun opening "Salesman" has to it! Anyway, Ruliweb has revealed more information about the upcoming Black Square edition aimed at the veteran DJMP players. Still no release date or info about what the limited edition...
Took these photos around Glasgow University one night about two weeks ago. There was supposed to be an employer's presentation on there but it was cancelled so having set out time already, I decided to go along to the area anyway to test out how well my camera fairs in dimly lit outdoor conditions. Outside the main university building...
Look at what I came across while I was reading the free Metro Newspaper on the bus this morning. Danny Choo really is appearing in a lot of media lately only this time, someone's uploaded one of his Dance Trooper videos onto the newspaper's video website and it's been featured. The uploader's making cash from the views too and I dont...
And our couple for this week in Pangya's promotional costume event is Suzaku and Anya! I kind of had the idea they would be listed but, wasn't too sure. Again, Anya looks very odd with Kooh's animations. Suzaku isn't too bad with Max, considering how he looks during his self-righteousness during the show. Two pairs left and no idea who...
Yup, finally got my hands on Trauma Centre New Blood! Didn't pick it up for the RRP and ordered it off instead. Surprised Gameplay still don't stock it but, I'm presuming the demand is low and considering there's a credit crunch going on, probably best not to stock games that might make a loss. Anyway, moving on...
Set ten years...
Looks like Pangya players can now dress up their characters to look like they're from Code Geass R2! I know it's fun but kind of silly too because it uses the game character animations. Kallen just doesn't look right using Arin's little prance and poses. So I wonder what the remaining three sets are? Suzaku x Euphy... Wait. Euphy's not in...
Ruliweb reveals there will be a limited edition of the next DJ Max Portable title, "Black Square" and its contents will be revealed early next month. It appears something special will be unlocked if you use the Clazziquai Edition with the game's Link Disc feature and the composer behind "First Kiss" will be responsible for the opening...
Since going on sale, DJMP Clazziquai has sold over 150,000 copies in Korea and, Ruliweb has just revealed it will be getting an expansion pack featuring the following:
Anyone who has registered their legitimate copy of the game will be able to download this for free from the PS Store although there is no release date yet. Wasnt...
Decided to pick up a new DAP after finding that I couldn't make a call with my Nokia phone one day. The battery had gone while I was listening to music and I was travelling away from a charger for the day. Just like the last time, I decided to pick something else instead of the Apple iPod because I really think you're paying for their brand...