Looks like the east of UK has been receiving some heavy snow - the heaviest in 18 years. And it's really hampering traffic and other public services. A few schools were closed in my area and of course, children are out sledging, throwing snowballs and building snowmen. It's about 30cm deep, fluffy powdery snow not the kind that falls on...
Episode 5 Summary"Those who get in our way aren't limited to people who are close to us.
Sometimes those we don't know can just be as harsh towards us." Yuki was out of the shower now and was waiting in her bedroom while Touya took his. A concerned look crosses his face as he thinks back to the times they had spent together. He finishes up but...
Episode 5 Summary
Their Relationships at the Dating Stage?! The guys at school were getting jealous having learned from Amaji that Kakeru had spent the night with Melon, Yurika and Najimi but, Kakeru claims he didn't really care about Melon. He gets ready to fend for himself, warning them not to get closer. He ends up with a kick on the...
Episode 4 Summary
Pursuers Akane receives a call from Keita while she is off to work at Osora Bank. She doesn't notice the car that was following her. As she goes about her work, she is approached by tall large man who suddenly grabs hold of her hand. He senses a great flow of Tera energy from her yet, she had not agreed to a contract with...
SE had released a benchmark program for the PC before FFXI was officially released so, why not one for the PC version of Last Remnant too? You can download the free 274MB benchmark program via the Japanese website. Once you've downloaded it, extract the contents of the zip file then go into the "Binaries" folder and run TLRBenchexe...
Just 8 days until Chrono Trigger DS reaches European stores and the surprising thing is, Gameplay is giving gamers the chance to get their hands on the pre-order CD that was made available to Japan and the US! Seems none of the other game retailers here are offering the same item. I'm tempted to order it since I originally played the SNES...
Episode 4 Summary
The Baby Bird Hatches Natsume was watching a nest of birds from his window and explains to Nyanko there were five eggs there but, one of them still haven't hatched yet so he was watching over it. Suddenly, he notices someone by the gates but Nyanko doesn't see anyone. He rushes out to double-check and only finds the...
Episode 3 Summary
Down Comes the Flag Uchida had joined the Rideback Club and was already excitedly trying out one of the Ridebacks. She falls over which gives Hishida a scare, worried the Rideback "Balon" he had put together overnight was damaged. Rin on the other hand, was a little disappointed she wasn't going to get to use Fuego for...
Nothing happening in town over here as far as I'm aware or I would have gone for one of my photo strolls again but, will be dropping by for the family and friends dinners later as tradition goes. Hope those of you celebrating and are still within that age range have plenty of red pockets. Happy Chinese New Year!
"ヽ(≧∇≦ヽ) 新年快樂 心想事成 (ノ≧∇≦)ノ"...
And here is the mysterious "MegaTen DS" game that Atlus had revealed as part of its DS line up four years ago, Devil Survivor. Another spin-off title from their MegaTen series but also unrelated to the Persona series.
It is the middle of the summer holidays in August. Your cousin Naoya has invited you and your friends Yuzu and Atsurou...