LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Persona 4, Rush Trailer and Kuma's Other World Update

Kuma, The Other World Kuma's true identity is shrouded in mystery. The only thing certain is that he is a resident of the other world. In the video, the gang suspects someone has fallen captive to Mayonaka TV again and try to ask Kuma about it. He thinks they're playing a game wi...

The Magpie Strikes, Others Attempt to Rescue

While I was working on my blog for the day I heard birds outside in my garden chirping very quickly and loudly. I didn't really take notice at first because it wasn't really bothering me and it wasn't the first time they did that. However, the chirping continued for some time and eventually other birds started joining in. I looked out the...

A Little Update to the Blog, Random Posts and Headers

Decided to mess about with the CSS and PHP code today to customise my blog a little further which is why you may have seen the "Maintenance" page several times today. Didn't really change that much but I took off the giant green tabs that used to be in the top-left corner and moved the items down just beneath the header image. I actually...

Persona 4, Atlus Express Special Feature Volume 1

Is the world that "Persona 4 (P4)" is set in linked to its predecessor in anyway? Does it matter if you haven't played Persona 3 (P3) or watched the Anime "Persona Trinity Soul"? Why did you decide to set the story in the rural countryside this time? In Persona 3, Igor's assistan...

Evangelion 1.01 Rebuild Movie Limited Edition DVD Review

New and old structures now together. Updated display screens. EVA-01 now more fleshy. Tokyo-03 gets more lighting effects and objects. Better rendering and futuristic trash disposal? The "Lawson" Convenience StoreThird Tokyo City, Higashisen - Store Front EM-220 for Evangelion Us...