LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Shadow of Memories Getting a PSP Port

The PSP ports don't stop coming... Shadow of Memories, yet another a former PS2 game, is going to get a PSP port on October 1st. It appears there will be no new content and the adventure game will just be the same as that released back in 2001. I still have the PC port in English as you can see. Wanted to play some Japanese games at the time but...

Play Street Fighter II Champion Edition for Free

I know how one can just download a ROM and play them on an emulator or even your handheld console these days but, why go to all that trouble when you can just visit a webpage? Metaboli has set up a Flash version of Capcom's older "Street Fighter II Championship Edition" released back in 1992 to help promote the latest title in the series...

Persona PSP Review

This remake of the first PS1 Persona game "Revelations: Persona" begins at St. Hermelin High School with the MC and a group of friends betting in a classroom whether they can see the future or not. They try to summon Persona through a ceremony and a few of them are knocked out. W...

Google to Release Own Operating System, Chrome OS

Google has just announced their own operating system "Chrome OS" which will be, as the name suggests, is a project that branches off from their recent browser Chrome according to their blog. It will run with a Linux kernel at its core and the goals are for it to be lightweight, safer and faster to boot up than windows. It also appears most...

The Puchi Eva: Evangelion at School Series

Just finished watching the 26 short episode parody series, "Puchi Eva". The super-deformed character models and animations are very cute but, the first half was literally filled with toilet humour. The scenarios were so horribly scripted, I almost decided to drop the show... But then I remembered I've yet to see the sample episode...

Chrono Trigger Soundtrack DS Edition Due

As expected, Square-Enix is re-releasing the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. If you missed out on it the first time, here's your chance to get your hands on it again! Due on July 29th for 3800 Yen (US$39), the Chrono Trigger OST [DS Edition] will contain... You can sample the tracks now over at the official site and take a sneak peek at the...

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete OST Announced

Et voilà. Square-Enix is indeed releasing a separate OST for their recent FFVII Advent Children Complete movie, dubbing it "Reunion Tracks". Besides all the remix sound tracks featured in the movie such as "Anxious Heart", the US$26 OST due on September 16th will also include bon...