LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Wall-E 2 Disc Special Edition DVD with Art Cards

Picked up the Wall-E DVD like I said. Didn't even know it was out until I was wandering around the high street stores. I had originally planned to buy it online but, then found HMV are offering a set of exclusive art cards in their high street stores. It's a few pounds more expensive in-store even after the reduction in sales tax here but...

The Nintendo Wii Gets A Free Fortune Telling Channel

The latest free Wii Channel available for download in Japan starting today is "The Foretelling Today and Tomorrow, Lucky Channel"! Not quite as long as Brain Age's title but, still pretty long. As the name suggests, this is basically a fortune telling software. Allowing you to register up to a maximum of six Miis, you enter a birthday...

DJ Max Portable Black Square Features

Already stopped playing DJMP Clazziquai now but, been listening to their discography everyday. I really like the fun opening "Salesman" has to it! Anyway, Ruliweb has revealed more information about the upcoming Black Square edition aimed at the veteran DJMP players. Still no release date or info about what the limited edition...


ここはグラスゴー大学。就業会議があったはずだが、結局キャンセルされちゃった。それでも、カメラをテストしたかったので、夜の時また出かけた。 ここはGlasgow大学の主の建物ね。観光バス駅の一つ。 中に入ると、広い場所がある。ここでいくつかのベンチがあるのでここで少し休憩してもいいだろ。 ちょっと怖いな、暗くてあまり誰もいないし。 ここの回ってるものが何だか知らないな。 暗いだけど、一人か二人か読書中。 裏口へ向かっています。 三脚なくて夜の写真はやはり撮りにくいね。 主の建物写真は撮り終えたので、戻ります~ 前では向こうのグラスゴー大学の図書館見えますよ...

Dancing Stormtrooper in the Metro Newspaper

Danny Choo really is appearing in a lot of media lately only this time, someone's uploaded one of his Dance Trooper videos onto the newspaper's video website and it's been featured. The uploader's making cash from the views too and I don't think it's Danny since this guy is in th...

Suzaku and Anya Joins Pangya

And our couple for this week in Pangya's promotional costume event is Suzaku and Anya! I kind of had the idea they would be listed but, wasn't too sure. Again, Anya looks very odd with Kooh's animations. Suzaku isn't too bad with Max, considering how he looks during his self-righteousness during the show. Two pairs left and no idea who...

Code Geass R2 Meets Fantasy Golf Pangya

Looks like Pangya players can now dress up their characters to look like they're from Code Geass R2! I know it's fun but kind of silly too because it uses the game character animations. Kallen just doesn't look right using Arin's little prance and poses. So I wonder what the remaining three sets are? Suzaku x Euphy... Wait. Euphy's not in...