LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Food Delivery Channel Coming to the Wii in Spring 2009

Yume no Machi has announced their Demae-Can online service will be brought to the Wii next year in Japan as the "Demae Channel (Food Delivery Channel) sometime in Spring. This service basically allows users to conveniently browse the food available for delivery within their area...

Better HD Video Playback with CoreAVC

Been having problems playing back MP4 H.264 encoded videos for some time now on my old 3GHz Athlon PC. Even dropping frames don't seem to help much. The 720p videos still end up lagging so, not wanting to upgrade the entire PC, I was thinking of purchasing a more recent graphics cards that included HD video acceleration to give the system...

Christmas Wishes from Atlus

This month there is a special issue of the Atlus Express magazine where all the various directors have gathered from the company to wish everyone "Merry Christmas." Drop by the site to find the full size images. This one of the beautiful Velvet Room sisters, Margaret and Elizabeth is from the Persona 4 art director Soejima....

Moe Hunter No. 2 - Kirin Armour

Been a while since I posted the last MoeHan figure and it looks like Kanshi Toona-sensei's been busy sculpting up another one. Just as I had guessed, one of them is done with the Kirin armour set from Monster Hunter. Moe, eh? Head on over to his site RyunRyunTei for more photos of the figure....

A Stroll Around Glasgow, Christmas 2008

Prince's Square Buchanan Street Dr. Who! Actually, the police box isn't officially in use by the authorities anymore. It's now just being used as a little stall for hot drinks. Buchanan Galleries in the distance. Enjoying the blue street lights so far? The last time I took a pic...

The iPhone Gets Some Interesting Games

Looks like Apple was serious when they said their iPhone can set a challenge for the DS and PSP. They've managed to get hold of a number of big name titles for their phone and I think the most surprising one is probably Metal Gear Solid Touch. Then there's also DDR S Lite, Katamari and Sim City... I even read there's going to be a DJ Max title...

First Thirteen DS Ware Titles Revealed

Nintendo has revealed its first batch of 13 DSi Ware titles for their DSi console with the prices ranging between free and 800 yen (US$9). It looks like some of them are "lite" versions of games that are already on sale, though. Take "A Little Bit of Magic Made Fun" for example. It comes with three of the magic tricks that the full game comes...