LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Persona 3 Portable Review

Gameplay Presentation Summary Persona 3 Portable is very much the same as Episode Myself but with all the improvements brought over from P4 (most notably being able to give commands directly to party members), the game is easier to play on the move. The compromises made to th...

Glasgow Green Fireworks 2009

Went along to Glasgow Green for the fireworks display in town this year to see what it was like since I've never been. I remember the city council here used to run the Bonfire Night event at George Square and people needed tickets to enter the premises. Here it's free and there's plenty of space. Arrived at around half 6 when George Bowie...

Happy Bonfire Night 2009

Hope you guys and girls had/have a good night out for those of you who celebrate Bonfire Night! Mine was.... Quite a mix of events. First time I popped into town to watch the fireworks but, can't miss a good opportunity to experiment with my DSLR camera ^^; At the end of the night I had... Quite a night. I don't mind people walking pass the...

Autumn Stroll 2009

Went out again this year to capture some seasonal autumn themed photos to use for my blog's banner except this time I was using a DSLR instead of a compact. I went to a number of different places this year and captured many photos but not all of them turned out good of course. Originally I wanted to capture autumn coloured leaves of...

White Album, Episode Summaries 14 ~ 17

Episode 14I've never been able to tune properly.I always end up thinking I can sound better. Episode 15 What isn't found, will destroy everything around it.Nothing can be done because it's just not there. Episode 16Thinking back to when one was young, there are things that makes...

Borderlands Review

Gameplay Presentation Summary Borderlands is an interesting FPS/RPG hybrid with an extended approach to the recent FPS games that allow you to speak with characters in the game world. However in the case of Borderlands, it doesn't really change the fact you're shooting most of t...

Case of Shinra, Reunion of the Turks Thoughts

Some thoughts about what I've translated so far of Case of Shinra. Spoilers ahead. Considering how much FFVII literature I've translated, I'm starting to think maybe I should also go ahead and translate Makoto Shinkai's 5cm novel as well instead of just having summaries for it but... We'll see. Anyway, thought we were going to get to...

Bandwidth Trouble October 2009

Oooo, bandwidth ran out again this month, one day earlier than last month I think - Probably because of the sudden surge of P3P fans coming over from Livejournal and GameFAQs for translations. Of course, lots of visitors is always a good thing for a site but just wondering how many of them will be returning visitors now that the game is out...