A historical marriage to symbolise peace between the two main warring factions of Atlatan, Factory Alliance and Fantasia Union falls apart. Treated as an assasination, it was now known as "The Great Hall Tragedy" and conflict continues between nations. Having witnessed the incident during her graduation, SilucaMeletes...
Rin Shima is a regular off-season camper who enjoys the quiet time alone. While camping out at one of the popular five lakes around Mount Fuji, Lake Motosu one day she comes across cheery but also klutsy, overly naive Nadeshiko Kagamihara who just moved into the area nearby. Nadeshiko had just happened to sleep through the day...
18 year old Atsushi Nakajima is kicked out of an orphanage during a certain incident involving a mysterious tiger that would appear causing chaos. As he wanders around, he saves the whimsical man named Osamu Dazai from comitting suicide. He turns out to be a detective who was part of a team known as the "Armed Detective Agency" that...
A retainer-like device known as the "SCM" is being sold on the internet and rumours have it if you wear it and challenge another person that's also wearing to a duel, you can turn them into your slave when you win. Ohta Yuuga comes across Eia Arakawa one day after dumping her best friend. After discovering how daring and smart she is...
A nameless girl who was a victim of war is picked up and brought up in the army to be treated like another expendable soldier in war due to her superior fighting skills. For that reason, she takes everything seriously, has a hard time expressing herself and only does anything when commanded to. The War was now over but she was...
26 year old Narumi Momose seems like your average optimistic cheery girl but she has a secret. She doesn't want anyone to find out she's an Otaku (geek) because guys always dump her when they find out she's also a "Fujoshi [rotting girl, word play that refers to women/girls]" - a girl who is into "Boys Love (explicitly illustrated...
Hotaro Oreki is your unmotivated but intelligent high school student whose motto is "if I don't have to do something then I won't do it or if there is, I do it quickly." However, that changes when his sister asks him to join the Literature Club to stop it from being abolished due to the lack of members. A cheery, energetic and inquisitive...
Kokonotsu Shikada and his father runs a small store selling "dagashi (cheap snacks)" in the rural countryside. One day a mysterious girl named Hotaru Shidare appears looking for the potential employees that are well-versed with the world of Dagashi and Kokonotsu seems just the person. However, his father refuses to let his son join...
One day, Naho Takamiya receives letters that claim to be from herself ten years in the future, each letter describing a different day and what she must do to prevent her "biggest regret". At first, she thought it might just have been a prank but just as the letter described, Naho and her friends befriend the new transfer student named...
So another story with highschool as the setting and when high schools are involved, there's usually your cliche of a transfer student and special powers. Based on Izumi Matsumoto's 1984 Manga, fifteen year old Kyousuke Kasuga isn't your average junior high student - his whole family has special powers such as teleporting...