October 2009
Atlus Express Vol. 10 P3P Special
New Game and Maniac Difficulty S. Links Data Install...
New Bigger Screen DSi to Appear This Year
Famitsu has got in contact with Nintendo who claims they aren't having any interviews about this matter and think it's just speculation from the investor's site....
A Look at the Japanese P3P Pre-order Goods and Limited Editions
There's only a week left until Persona 3 Portable goes on sale in Japan and it's managed to get a Famitsu score of 8/8/8/8 (32/40) which is just one point short of the original PS2 game which got 9/8/8/8 (33/40). I don't know the details since I don't have access to better shots of the reviews but according to 1up.com's translations, its...
A Stroll Around Glasgow Green
Never been to the East End of Glasgow before and I'm pretty sure my parents never brought me here either. I decided to take a look when I saw a sign pointing to "Glasgow Green" park while hunting for interesting places to practice my photography skills. I have to say it looks very plain arriving from the west entrance. There's the old...
Soejima Blogs About The Velvet Room
It's Atlus character designer, Shigenori Soejima's turn to blog about P3P this time and he goes into the history of the Velvet Room. For those of you who don't know, the Velvet Room started appearing since the first Persona title and consisted of Igor, an anonymous pianoist and a singer (voiced by Tomoko Komiya). It's a room that only...
Batman: Arkham Asylum, PC Version Review
Gameplay Presentation Summary Time Played 6 hours Good Bad...
Hilarious P3P Trailer Commentary, Name Those Tracks
The official site has been updated with videos showing off the class tests, the new part-time jobs and a two new music samples. Also, everything that was hidden away on the front page are now available in their appropriate sections namely the wallpapers and four more music sample...
Azusa Akido Goes Over A List of P3P Changes
Azusa Kido who was responsible for the fusion system in P3/P4, joins the direction team in P3P and goes over a long list of the new and improved features in this port.
Liking the changes so far but cloning skill cards... Wonder if that means people can spam moves. There will probably be a limit as to how many times you can visit the shrine to...
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Review
Gameplay Presentation Summary Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey fairly much feels like your average dungeon crawler but with the MegaTen touch to it - Long winded dungeons where healing can cost a fortune if you don't have the right Devils, flexibile fusion system and some ch...