Britannia has fallen together with Lelouch's death. His brother Schneizel manages to unite the fragmented nations to restore order and peace as The United Federation of Nations. However, a faction of Britannian forces declare war on the United States of Japan, conquering Hokkaido...
It's been 3 years since Mahito Maki lost his mother during the war in a fire. Now he is starting a new life with his aunt Natsuko who was going to be his new step mother in the countryside. Before long he meets the local resident heron who leads him to an abandoned tower and clai...
As the class practices to perform at the upcoming event for their parents, Nobita is having trouble playing his recorder correctly. As usual he bluffs that he'd be able to do it perfectly with a little more practice. When it doesn't go so well he uses one of Doraemon's gadgets to...
Summer holidays. Suneo brags about owning a horse and having a big piece of farmland to ride it on. As usual Nobita claims he has the same too but Doraemon has trouble granting his wish. When Doraemon runs off to the future to collect his Dorayaki he receives a bunch of coupons t...
Lewis Smith who aspires to a be a mecha suit piloting hero from the American Marines and Ao Isami of the Japanese SDF are participating in a joint military exercise using Titanostriders (TS) mechanical suits deployed around the world in a test run. Suddenly the world finds themse...
Naive 17 year old Nagomi Wahira is excited to start her new job at Oinky Doink Cafe, Akihabara. Before long, she discovers there was a darker side to the maid cafe business where rivals violently disputing their turf. As the piggy themed cafe struggle pay off the "sweets money" t...
Kani-ni and Kani-no Kani-ni and Kani-no of the crab tiny people tribe are living with their father. One day while Kani-no ventures out to look for their mother during a storm their father gets swept away while rescuing her. Together, they decide to brave the wilderness in search...
Super heroes have started appearing around the world, using their powers to bring peace to the world. 14 year old Teru Momijiyama in Japan just started taking on the role but doesn't like attention just like her hero alias "Shy" suggests ("Teru" can also mean shy in Japanese) yet...
Ohana Matsumae lives together with her single mum. Just when she was getting tired of the crowded city life, she learns her mother's latest boyfriend had given their address to a debt collector so they must leave town immediately. Only Ohana will be moving to the countryside to l...
100th anniversary of Kitaro celebrates with a prequel movie. The president of a famous pharmacy corporation has passed away and someone from the Imperial Blood Bank must travel to the Ryuga family's home to find out the fate of their business. However, there are unruly rumours re...