Another Type-Moon title that has a similar world setting to Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime Princess. A series of brutal murders are taking place. Mikiya hears about the murders from his cousin who leads the investigation and Shiki, one of his highschool classmates ends up being on...
Humans have made contact with aliens while exploring planet Mars. Now Earth is fighting a losing war against them who they now called the "BETA". The war is going so badly that even new trainees are being sent straight to the battlefield before completing their training. Yui Taka...
Irisdinia is believed to be a survivor of an attempted coup d'etat by betraying her own family to the Stasi, the repressive secret police of Eastern Germany who did not take kindly to treason or spies. However, Earth was now under threat from an alien race known as the "BETA" tha...
Kazuma is a NEET who spends his time playing RPGs all day. One day after a fatal accident he is given the chance to reincarnate as a new person in a fantasy world, promised that he will retain his memories and it will be like the RPGs he usually plays. Fantasy RPG worlds were so...
Kobayashi comes across a dragon named Touru one day who decides to take human form to serve as her maid to repay her kindness. As they live together, more of Touru's acquintances appear before Kobayashi and her daily life just isn't the same any more. A fun, wacky comedy from Kyo...
Souta is your regular highschool student who enjoys drawing. One day Selesia, a character from one of his favourite shows materialises in the real world and he learns the phenonmena was happening around Japan. Characters from popular works were appearing in the real world - both...
This is an interesting show that was almost exclusive to Netflix. Visually it looks great. The style reminds me a lot of Ghibli movies but also of From The New World. A group of people are stranded on an island known as the "whale" as it travels along the desert. Some are gifted...
A gateway to the Beyond opened in New York City which meant the city was now known as "Hellsalem" as strange creatures and humans alike started living together. Leonardo travels to this city hoping to find a cure for her sister whose eyesight was taken during the incident while h...
This was an interesting slice-of-life show where a girl named Shirase is determined to go to Antartica to find her missing mother who never returned from the last expedition. Obviously it wasn't going to be easy but with some luck, determination and persevering all the harassment...
In the post-apocalpyse world the cool headed, intelligent Chito and happy-go-lucky Yuuri are left to wander around a desserted city, doing their best to salvage what's left behind to survive. Animation and art isn't that impressive because it's mostly just rubble and desserted ur...