The package contents will be similar to a PSP value pack except of course, the PSP will be a different colour; Metallic Blue this time. Selling for 28,000 Yen on December 21st when ToW is released, the pack contains a 32MB memory stick, a pouch, strap and cloth that features ToW illustrations. And we can't forget the box. Don't forget for...
If you don't already have one for your car then maybe you'll consider getting one for your PSP so that you'll never get lost on those long drives. The difference between this and a normal GPS device however is that even if you're in an area where you can't receive GPS signals, the software will make use of Sony's "Place Engine" system to...
That's right! This special title will be released in spring on the same day as Gyakuban 4 as a reference to all that's happened in the first three games! Covering the original three GBA titles and the first DS remake, you can view detailed analysis of every case that Phoenix Wright has ever taken showing the characters involved...
Yes, two more games arrived today for my collection! Took a little longer to arrive than my last order with (which was the Nintendo Browser), being a week instead of a few days but nevermind. Been waiting to play DJMax on the PSP! Here's a closer look at the Gyakuten Saiban 2 box contents. There's a slip asking for players to...
The 270MB beta client's available for download now but that doesn't mean you can take part in the test yet. Those interested can register their e-mail address at the official site and they actually only started accepting addresses today. There are only 1000 places in this closed beta which begins this Saturday. E-mail addresses will...
Dating sims in Japan are nearly all geared towards the male audience but, here's a port of the PS2 game "Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side" that'll allow the ladies to pick their own dream date this time round. Ladies will have opportunities to touch their virtual date whenever he pops onto the touch screen, allowing the players to touch...
No, not "Kyuuseishu (???)" as in "messiah" but the company's certainly chosen a a pun as a title for their product. The Kanji literally means, "The Sound Savior". Now you might wonder why you want this when your mobile phone or DMP can already record sound easily. So lets take a look at the features... First of all, it can record up to 9...
Yes, coming out on December 21st, you can turn your DS into an acoustic guitar and start playing tunes on it. To play tunes, all you have to do is choose the chords using the D-Pad and then use your stylus as a prick to play the strings. There are 20 songs built into this "game" and another 18 printed on paper. Checkout the official site for a...
Looks the brain training craze hasn't died down just yet. Simple DS Series Vol 12: The Party Unou Quiz aims to give the right side of your brain a light workout using a variety of short exercises. Following after the PS2 version, you'll get asked how many dice there are, insert the right shape and find animals etc. The game features the...
Your new base of operations is now in the village of Pokke somewhere near the snowy mountains. The usual gathering hall is still there but there's a whole host of new weapons, items and monsters for you to see. Checkout the Game Watch page for more screenshots. The sequel is scheduled for 2007 February 22nd....