New Features: Also, you can now download PS1 games to play on your PSP with this new firmware update available today. PSP owners must link up their handheld console with the PS3 with a USB cable before they can download games via the Games Archives in the online Playstation Store. Early titles available so far are: Resident Evil...
Yes, this month will be the "Dead or Alive" series 10th anniversary with the release of "Dead or Alive 4" for the Xbox 360. Now with the upcoming "DoA Xtreme 2", a commemoration event will be held in Akiba this Thursday. The top 3 winners of the Beach Volley Time Attack contest can win themselves some goodies featuring the characters from...
And from the looks of it, you're not restricted to FCs and can play with random strangers too! There are basically 3 types of games you can choose to play on Wi-Fi which are "Puyo Puyo", "Puyo Puyo Normal" and "Puyo Puyo Fever". Both the last two modes a rating restricted which means you will only be playing with other anonymous players who...
Available from November 22nd and coming in at 3500 Yen each, those who missed out on the goodies by buying a PSP Base Pack can now make up for it with the following two bundles from Sony. "Play! Game Pack" contains a 32MB memory stick, pouch, strap and cleaning cloth. "Enjoy! AV Pack" contains the earphones with in-line remote, USB cable...
Originally planned for December, the latest Harvest Moon DS title is now set for February 1st next year....
Apart from the already known Roger there's (from left to right)... Cuca Skilled mercenary who loves woman and drinking Tekeli
A 10 year old boy who controls beast and is the last survivor of the "Forest People". Yuriel
Captain of the scouts patrol who is always calm and executes his plans with a smile. Jeremiah
A lone woman in the...
We've got Cid the young inventor, the always hungry Fat Chocobo and Worg the strongest Chocobo warrior raised by the evil witch Irma, enemy of Chocobos. Locations you can explore are the Magma Mountain (Fire Crystal), Eastern Forest (Earth Crystal), the Chocobo Farm, Underwater Shrine (Water Crystal) and the Mechanical Tower...
Set for February 2007, the game will cover Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan's story. Check out some of the moves you'll be able to pull off using the cards....
No need for complex commands that you're so used to in beat-em-ups. All you have to do is hold down the a direction key then hit one of the buttons to execute a special move. There's plenty of variety in movements, easy to do combos and you can make use of Ningu (Ninja tools) too. For the real Naruto fans who buy both this and the Wii game in...
The SRPG from Marvellous Interactive is set of February 8th and pre-orders will get a bonus artbook. No news of an English release date yet but, it looks like one of these games that'll get translated eventually. Look at Tactic Ogres and Final Fantasy Tactics....