LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Disgaea Portable, Extra Stage, Soundtracks and Clear File Folders

The PSP version of the popular SRPG that goes on sale towards the end of the month, November 30th will contain an extra stage. Featuring the protagonists Adell and Rozalin as boss characters, it tells of a different story where you challenge the Dark Assembly room's approval. Also new in the PSP version is a records room where you can...

Death Note Movie Part One, An Alternative Story

Yup, just watched the first part while the second part premieres today in Japan. The story's taken a different branch you could say. The start of the movie was a bit slow because they didn't really spend much time building up the tension but, it picks up after the first half an hour or so. So here's how the story's taken a slightly...

Black Jack: Hi no Tori Hen, Screenshots Galore

It's no Trauma Centre game but, "Black Jack: The Bird of Fire Arc" which comes out next week is an adventure game that allows you to play through a bundle of operation mini games. Out of interest, the game's based on Osamu Tetzuka's work, the doctor who started the whole Japanese Anime style of animation. His Mangas were originally...

Dragonball Z: Haruka naru Gokuu Densetsu, Energy Cards Revealed

Ah yes, I'm sure there's no Asian who didn't grow up watching either Sailormoon or Dragonball. Following along the lines of the Famicom game, this game has you battling enemies using various cards of four types; Battle cards for attacking, Chi cards for boosting your damage output, Character cards to call for support and Item cards to...

Pangya Golf, More Costumes and “Link” with the PC Version

Here's some more scans of the Wii golf game which reveals more costumes that you can make your characters wear. Those playing the PC version already can enter passwords to unlock even more costumes. Dead or Alive fans should recognise the Katsumi costume and there's also Hyabusa Ryuu from Ninja Gaiden. Also there's 3 modes you can play...

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, 20th Anniversary Bonus Pack

Since I just posted about the bonus item that comes with Boktai DS, I thought I would remind people about the exclusive 20th Anniversary Bonus Pack that EBGames.com is giving away to those who order the new Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin game from them. The American version of the game comes out on December 5th and this bonus pack...

Kabu Trader Shun, Can you be the Ultimate Stock Trader?

I'm sure you know the Japanese can just about turn anything into a game by now (look at Wario Ware) and the latest subject they seem to be taking on is the exciting world of shares or stock exchange. While "Kabu Trader Shun" doesn't take on as serious a tone as Kojima's simulator (the guy behind MGS), it is based on the same subject. The story...

Tekken Dark Ressurection

Just received my copy of "Tekken Dark Resurrection" from Gameplay.com this morning and this game is impressive (for the PSP, of course)! Gameplay's smooth, short loading times, great graphics and plenty of modes to get through. Being able to download Ghost data off the internet is just another great thing that adds to the...