LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Go-Touchi Kentei, A Guide to Japan for the Japanese

Well, here's a scan of the game that tests how well you know Japan. Once you've completed the tests, you'll have a nice collection of information for your reference about what's hot in each area of Japan. I've had that "Shiroi Koibito (White Lovers)" shown to the right before when I was in HK and it's pretty tasty. It's white chocolate...

Ryoukiki no Susume, Train to Use both your Left and Right Hands

That's the idea the title gives you but, the developers claim that by using the your non-dominant hand the exercises can help make your brain more active too. Kind of makes sense since your left part of the brain controls your right part of the body and vice-versa... There are 6 game modes; Right/Left Hand Exercise, Balance Check, Left v...

Brain Shock, The Brain Training Craze Continues

Brain Shock: Nousaibou Kasseika Quiz, based on another parody show named "Akko ni O-Makase" in Japan, is aimed at increasing your intuation, memory and distinguishing abilities. First there's the intuation exercise where there's 300 different pictures for you to spot the difference with 3 levels of difficulty. Following that is...

Heisei Kyouikuiinkai DS, Lessons on your DS

Based on the parody show on Fuji TV, you play as one of the contestants who will have to answer various questions using the touch screen. With over 2000 questions, you can experience what it's like to be on the show. Questions include subjects such as the Japanese language, mathematics, science and social studies. The game modes...

It’s a Wonderful World, An Interview with the KH Staff

Just translated the "It's a Wonderful World" interview featured in the October 6th issue of Weekly Famitsu. Taking part are the Kingdom Hearts staff Tetsuya Nomura, Tatsuya Kandou, Tomohiro Hasegawa and Takeshi Arakawa. The game sounds really fun so far with the simultaneous dual screen battles and story involving the "God of...

Ys Origin, Free Book and Postcards

It's that time again when Falcom gives out freebies to promote their new game and once again, they are some quality freebies, not just some piece of paper leaflet. Apart from a free "Entry Book" that reveals new information and screenshots about their latest game "Ys Origin", you also get 1 out of 16 postcards available such as the twin...

Death Note, Opening and Ending Lyrics

The full versions of the opening and ending songs for the Death Note show officially comes out tomorrow but, copies are already floating about the net unsurprisingly. They're not too different from the TV versions so that's good. A little surprise ending note in "The World". Enjoy singing along to the tune ;) "the WORLD"...

Jump Ultimate Stars, Featuring 40 Titles and 300 Characters

That's the stats on the upcoming sequel to "Jump Super Stars" out next month, November 23rd. Yes, it'll support Wi-Fi but who knows if it's going to FC only like Pokemon DP ended up being. Either way, you can't go wrong with a unique beat-em-up game featuring all your favourite Anime characters in one game....