LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

hong kong

Suzume no Tojimari (2022, ComixWave)

On her way cycling to school, a long-haired stranger stops Suzume to ask if there were ruins nearby. After letting him know, she suddenly has a feeling they've met before and decides to follow after him to the ruins. She doesn't find her there but instead, she finds a white door...


Import Japanese goods are pretty much everywhere in Hong Kong. Japan's only a 4.5 hour flight away after all unlike UK which can be 14 - 19 hours so it only makes sense for the city to import from there. This includes mainstream Japanese pop culture/otaku Anime store merchandise...

Bubble (2022, Wit Studio)

Bubbles suddenly appeared around the world but despite disappearing shortly after in the rest of the world, the bubbles remained in Tokyo. The city was soon engulfed in a giant bubble and the bubbles inside burst, flooding the city, gravity anomalies occurr and vortexes appear. N...

新海誠CoMix Wave製作隊製作了香港Nescafe廣告

你有想過如果香港出現在新海誠的電影會怎樣嗎? 你現在可看到! 剛剛他的CoMix Wave製作隊加入了一套香港Nescafe廣告的製作. 由他加入CoMix Wave創立了自己的製作隊之後, 那隊已經幫不同的公司製作很同新海誠風格一樣的廣告, 例如信濃毎日新聞. 今次的動畫是Filmony製的, 一個少隊製作了一些短片及"寵物小精靈/神奇寶貝: 破曉之翼 (第二話)". 動作(在他們的Twitter可看到一些製作中用的圖)很似新海誠的電影. 角色設計, 主人物"Rin"是由Nanaue擔當. 感覺上CoMix Wave負責的美術可能將香港太過美化......

香港行山 - 港島徑第八段 龍脊

I chose to go during the weekdays when it's less busy and it was 24C - Pretty much a Scottish summer. Sky was blue so it was a nice day. Following the hiking site's instructions I took the number 9 bus from Shau Kei Wan Station - just look for Exit A once you're at the metro stat...


To get to the park you can take the metro to Kowloon Tong Station before switching to the overground trains to Hung Hom. Then you can take the tram and if you get off at Tin Sau Station instead of Wetland Park you can walk through the subway to avoid the blazing sun on the hotter...

香港行山 - 衛奕信徑第2段

The trail was shorter than Dragon's Back at 6.6km instead of 8.5km but that doesn't mean it's easier of course despite the 2/4 star rating compared to Dragon's 3/4... It has a lot more forks for one thing but you're really just going right every time. In my case, I had all the ma...


好像警方可能終於捉到在旺角掟腐食液體落街的疑兇。 幸好上次發生時我剛剛是前日到那裏。希望這是其他過案的真兇,没再發生。...

Back in the UK

Got back to Glasgow seven in the morning. First thing you'll probably notice is all the greenery here as you're landing compared to in HK. Then once you get off the plane, you feel the cold biting in. I'd rather be in the heat than in the cold which appears to be what the majority of people on Everybody Votes seem to prefer too. Time to catch up...