Kobayashi comes across a dragon named Touru one day who decides to take human form to serve as her maid to repay her kindness. As they live together, more of Touru's acquintances appear before Kobayashi and her daily life just isn't the same any more. A fun, wacky comedy from Kyo-Ani, best known for Lucky Star, Haruhi Suzumiya and...
This was an interesting slice-of-life show where a girl named Shirase is determined to go to Antartica to find her missing mother who never returned from the last expedition. Obviously it wasn't going to be easy but with some luck, determination and persevering all the harassment she received at school, she finally manages to...
If you're an Anime fan that follow the news then I'm sure you've no doubt heard of Makoto Shinkai and his recent run away success with Kimi no Na wa, Your Name as it's shot over the 2 billion Yen record, beating even Ghibli movies and even Harry Potter at the Japanese box offices. In Your Name, Taki and Mitsuha (two highschool students as...