The exhibition took place over the weekend between 15th - 17th December at the Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre (KITEC) which is a 20-30 minute walk from Kowloon Bay Station. Or, you can take the free shuttle bus outside Telford Plaza which is kind of hard to f...
Nerawareta Gakuen
ねわれた学園 Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki
おおかみこどもの雨と雪 Comments - Spoilers! Highlight to view. Quite awkward when they showed a wolf in bed with Hana although a lot of people were laughing. I don't think I felt anything when his body (in wolf form) is found in a river a...
新年快樂!恭喜發財! 作晚看見了格拉斯哥中國城會有康樂表現舞獅的告示所以今天去了看看。 本來舞獅會在枝上進行但因下雨要改變計畫。 今年的中國新年也是情人節。所以有朵紅色花…? 周圍都是相機 ^^; 獅頭有幾重呢…? 到舞龍時有些阻。 但都順利繼續。 今年的利是會幫保情人節的消費嗎? 昨晚喝了許多濃濃的茶,至到朝早七點才睡到… 在高速公路看見有三雙鹿。不是常見的。由哪裏來…...
まあ、とにかく冬眠の時間です(笑) 聖誕快樂!希望你有個好好的假期! 這裏己下了幾日雪所以今年有個白色聖誕 - 雖然不是罕有但在暖暖充滿聖誕色彩的內室,還有外面軟腍腍的雪,感覺上的氣氛不錯。 好,我要去冬眠!(笑)...
星期日超過4000人化裝成聖誕老人在格拉斯哥的George Square召集參加一年一度的「聖誕老人賽跑」。今次是我第一次去看看。 因星期日设多班巴士我朝早8點半就到市中心。途中看見警車在指揮車両用其他路。 這朝很凍也多霧但在場的參加者都還很興奮。在附近住的人都從窗觀看。可能被打醒嗎? 跑5000米之前些小熱身。賽跑9點半才開始。 大家要去準備。因為人数過多要分為三組在不同時間開始。 開始前好像有些問題但不知是什麼。延遲到9點50分才開始。 開跑了! 有些帽子很有趣。 任可人也可以參加 - 大人£15,小童£5來註冊。包衣裝。 雖然是冬天但穿著這麼衣會有...
Went along to Glasgow Green for the fireworks display in town this year to see what it was like since I've never been. I remember the city council here used to run the Bonfire Night event at George Square and people needed tickets to enter the premises. Here it's free and there's plenty of space. Arrived at around half 6 when George Bowie...
Hope you guys and girls had/have a good night out for those of you who celebrate Bonfire Night! Mine was.... Quite a mix of events. First time I popped into town to watch the fireworks but, can't miss a good opportunity to experiment with my DSLR camera ^^;
At the end of the night I had...
Quite a night. I don't mind people walking pass the...
中秋節快樂! 中秋节快乐! Yes, I know it's passed. Wasn't really going to make a post about the annual Mid-Autumn Festival but, then I remembered this shot of some cakes my parents brought back from their trip to London on the day. Cute, eh? Almost £3 (US$5) each... Lots of cream skilfully decorated on top of a slice of roll. Tasted pretty good....