In "commemoration" of the upcoming Evangelion 2.22 DVD/Bluray release that will both feature a collector's film strip and an extra 3 minutes of footage, fast food store Lotteria is doing a special meal. From April 22nd this week, those in Japan will be able to purchase the "Eva BurChicki Box" (the Japanese like to shorten words) for...
Those of you who missed the Evangelion 2.0 premiere here in Glasgow because you were down in England will now have a chance to see it yourselves on the big screen. BFI Southbank in London is holding an "Anime Weekend" next May and amongst its line up will include both Evangelion Rebuild movies, as well as Level 5 puzzle game based...
Presentation Story Continuation Where Next? Thoughts...
今年的知步里(Ghibli)電影The Borrower Arrietty又是用小說做原作。原作Borrowers的英國小說的舞台是1950年伐的英格蘭,是講一班像手指一様小的人要借「巨人」的物資來生活。我小時侯常常看戲集版! Ghibli的版本會用現代東京做舞台…Arrietty會去秋葉原嗎?(笑) 會在今個夏天7月17日在日本上映。主題曲幾好聽!...
作晚去了看「新世紀福音戰士:破」。394座都滿了! 是第一次到這裏。外面好細但內面的室內設計幾漂亮。 新的各色Mari有些似Asuka… 她沒有出場多久所以好像爲了改Asuka的故事才加入去。 使徒和東京03的新畫面仍然是漂亮,但音樂方面有些怪。希望2.22的DVD和Blu-ray版會收正好一些。...
根據Amazon JP 「新世紀福音戰士:破」的DVD和Blu-ray日版會同日在5月26日發賣。好消息是今次兩套都會有初回特典,而今次的特典好像上 次一樣有Film Cut. 像上次的報告一樣2.22版 會有重新調整的片段。但1.11只有多3分鐘的新片段所以我看不要太期待。 如想買可到Play-Asia予訂。...
Side StoryThe Tiger and Wings...
「新世紀福音戰士:破」會在下星期「格拉斯哥電影節」中二月十五日初上映。好像日版DVD要等到5月26日才出所以我可能會去看。 也可以看看Glasgow裏有幾多日本動畫迷或Eva迷。...
Episode 48Dawn at Ryoza Episode 49 Episode 50The Beast Player Thoughts...
Episode 22 Troubled you're a poor speaker?Try conversing with your eyes. You'll want to talk soon enough. Episode 23 Episode 24The night won't be able to do anything for us.It is because of the sun that our colours fade. Episode 25It's someone else's fault. It's not my fault.It's...