LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

日本旅行第九日 - 大阪, 日本橋電電街購物

We were off to Osaka today. Originally I wanted to visit Osaka Castle early morning when there should be fewer people but my friend wanted to go off to a Virtual Reality conference back in Tokyo so we decided to skip it. It was going to be a pop culture day again because we were going to head straight to Den Den Town which was basically Osakas...

日本旅行第八日 - 白川郷, 高山

去購物及休息了一日之後我們再次環遊日本的觀光點. 雖然我是日本動遊迷但因小時候看了許多關於日本的文化及旅遊節目我對日本的文化也有興趣. 所以我決定去鄉村看看. 本來想去郡上八幡因為許多人說白川鄉似拍劇的建築多. 裏面只是店舖. 但因列爲世界遺産所以決定去. 而且附近有飛驒, 古川. 有時間可到那裡看看. 一早7點坐第一班往高山的Hida Wide View火車出發. 這火車可用JR Pass但要訂位. 第一班沒綠色頭等位, 多外國遊客, 很吵... 本地日本人一定不喜歡 ^^; 由名古屋火車是2.5小時, 巴士1.5但火車多景看. 白川鄉沒許多巴士出入所...

日本旅行第五日 - 京都, 二条城, 嵐山竹森

Our destination today was Kyoto because we wanted to see the more traditional side of Japan. Tokyo wasn't always the capital. It's a tradition for wherever the emperor dwells to become the capital and before Tokyo, it was Kyoto. Kyoto was the second capital of Japan between 794 - 1868.   Early morning - well, not really early. Just...

日本旅行第一日 - 淺草寺, 東京晴空塔, 御台場

Since our hotel was in Tokyo, I decided we would visit Senso-ji first which was in Asakusa. Always see the temple in travel programmes about Japan with its giant red lanterns. We went out the wrong exit at Shibuya Station on the night we arrived so, we didn't really get to see the famous crossing during the night. This time we did early in...