LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Persona Trinity Soul Blog Updated with Photo of First Episode's Title

The Persona Trinity Soul blog has been updated today by Aniplex staff member Kazunori Adachi who was partly reponsible for updating the P3 soundtrack production blog a year ago. I'm not too sure about the title printed on the script for episode one here but, I think it translates to "The Special Class 'A' Potential (特A潜在)". Its...

A Month Later, Asahiya says No "5 Centimeters per Second" Novel for You

マジかよ!一ヶ月に待ちさせて 小説在庫なしだと!? ヽ(メ `Д´)ノ ムカー!! WTH!? The Asahiya store at Sogo HK takes my reserve money, tells me I can't cancel, makes me wait for a month and then tells me they don't have the 5cm novel any more!? This is ridiculous... They kidding me on or...

Makoto Shinkai's "Gathering of the Cats" Airs, Poor Chobi

Mother: "Oh, you were lying there? I'm so sorry." Grandmother: "Oh deary me." Father: "I'm home, Chobi." Daughter: "Awww. You're happy I'm home?" Daughter: "Another please!" Mother: "Aren't you eating a little too much?" Father: "What's wrong with Chobi?" Daughter: "I don't know...

Promise of Haruhi Suzumiya PSP Title Gets Delayed

Today, Bandai has made an announcement that the visual novel game "Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku" will be delayed by a week due to quality assurance. That means it will now be released on December 27th instead of the original date of December 20th. Yes, only the best for Haruhi fans but, it means anyone who was going to buy it as a Christmas...

Final Fantasy IV, Bundle of Mini Games and Theatre Mode Included

I really enjoyed Final Fantasy III's remake into 3D. People didn't like it's shallow story but I think it was good enough considering how it was keeping close to the original game. Now Final Fantasy IV DS is looking even better. Not only is the story being fleshed out with scenarios that never made it to the original but it's also adding in...

Super Paper Mario Replacement Arrives with Oversized Box

Despite bug-free copies being low in stock, I managed to get my bugged copy of Super Paper Mario replaced after I sent it away a week ago and it arrived in this big box. Makes you think there would be something else packed in there but, it's just one big box with a large piece of bubble wrapping. Not even a note about the bug but, I guess they...

No More Heroes gets Promoted with Toilet Rolls and Adult Humour Ads

So, even after all the magazine coverage and weekly idols cosplaying as Sylvia Christel on their site, the No More Heroes developers are stuck selling toilet rolls? Not really because this is just another promotional event that took place Thursday on the action game's release date. Yup, you save by going to the toilet and that's why...