LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 for Students and Another Look at Piracy

Decided to purchase Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate Edition because I saw a poster at uni offering it for only around 10% of its RRP for students. That means you're only paying £40 instead of the RRP of £500. You need a valid academic e-mail address to be eligible for this offer and is available until April 2008. Once you pay on...

Persona Trinity Soul, Main Cast Revealed with Two New Characters

Just as the first newsletter said, the main cast is now up on the Persona Trinity Soul website. It looks like two girls might be joining the Kanzato brothers in the fight against the Reverse because two female character names have popped up. I was beginning to wonder about the tag line, "A juvenile drama that intertwines with a group of...

Shinkai's "AniKuri 15" Short Revealed, A Gathering of the Cats

More details have been revealed about Shinkai's one minute "AniKuri 15" short as mentioned a few days ago. The title will be "Neko no Shuukai (A Gathering of the Cats)" and will feature a familiar name from one of Shinkai's previous works. Chobi the cat from "She and Her Cat"! NHK hasn't updated their site with the broadcasting times yet...

No More Heroes Set to Get a Soundtrack Already

Still just over 3 days until No More Heroes get released in Japan but, it looks like Grasshopper are confident this game's going to do well. They're so confident that they're already offering free samples of the soundtrack too which will get released two months later on January 23rd 2008. Just head to the Special, Download section of...

Wii Fit Launches in Japan with 100 People Queuing

Nintendo jumps from brain training to your actual physical fitness. What was named as the "Wii Health Pack" a while ago was released today in Japan as "Wii Fit", a selection of games and exercises that you could do by standing on a pressure sensitive "Wii Balance Board." So what was the interest like? Well, Famitsu dropped by the usual...

An Appeal to Professor Layton Guide Writers, Take Them Down

That's what the official site's put up a notice about. Level 5 doesn't want players using guides like mine, where you can just look up the answers, when playing their "Professor Layton" series of puzzle games. They want players themselves to figure them out so that they can get a taste of how fun it is to solve puzzles and so, appeals to...

Persona Trinity Soul to get Premiere Screening on Christmas Eve

Vol. 1 of the Persona Trinity Soul newsletter was mailed out today and here's what was in it. The official site is now accepting applications for the première screening event which will be held on Christmas Eve in Tokyo. 130 lucky winners will be able to watch the first episode of the Anime show, listen to live performances of the theme...

Interchannel to Release Ys I & II DS Remake in February

Ys fans can now mark down February 28th 2008 as the day when the Ys I & II DS remakes will be out in Japan. I'm actually kind of disappointed they're not selling the two as a single package considering the size these ARPGs will probably end up as and that Falcom already sells a complete package for the PC (without the new features of course)....

Fragile, Everyone Ends Up Thinking They're All Alone

Do they? I guess I'll find out by playing "Fragile: Sayounara Tsuki no Haikyo". The official site for this spooky looking Wii "exploration RPG" is now open and greets you with the following: This planet is so vast, Its world overflows, With so many people yet, Every person ends up thinking, "Why am I all alone?"... That mini...