Young Johnny Bolt is a fan of the Union of Justice superheroes. One night he discovers he too has super powers and plans his debut as "Electro Boy" with his friend. Unfortunately, it turns into a big disaster leading to a chain of terrible accidents. With his hopes of being a her...
Saki Moromi was on a trip in Washington DC but while trying to throw coins into the fountain outside the White House, she almost gets questioned by the police nearby. Fortunately for her, a naked young man appears holding a gun and ends up being a distraction. Later Saki thanks h...
Rash but skilled and street-wise Ash "Lynx" was picked up off the streets by Mafia Lord Dino Golzine, treated as a "pet" and was the now the leader of many street gangs around New York, Manhattan. Ever since his older brother Griffin was mentally destroyed by a powerful drug, he...
A gateway to the Beyond opened in New York City which meant the city was now known as "Hellsalem" as strange creatures and humans alike started living together. Leonardo travels to this city hoping to find a cure for her sister whose eyesight was taken during the incident while h...