Shinkai Begins Planning His Next Piece of Work
Shinkai lets his readers know that he's started to plan his next piece of work although there's nothing really to show as an animation yet. He comments that it will be his biggest piece of work so far too... I wonder what it's about? Something to do with life in a foreign world perhaps?
On other bits of his update, he's moved places for the third time in London with the help of his friends as his minimum contract expired. He shot this from his new residence which shows the high rise buildings in the waterfront redevelopment area by the River Thames.
Xcomp 作者
He said at BFI that he wouldn't be starting it until he's back in Japan at the end of the year. Not too early to start drafting out ideas now at least.
Thanks for the news though, Xcomp. ^_^
Where next for Shinkai? « destroying all monsters (the last arial)
I second the opinions previously expressed: less distance this time around would be very welcome indeed.
Owen S