歡迎來到本站新的設計! 之前有許多細小的改變但新的設計終於完成了!但可惜我的創作才能不太好所設計得很簡單 ^^; 有些記事有中日翻譯但不會是全部因爲要寫三種言語要花許多時間。我主要會集中翻譯在Photo Stroll(散歩相片)。 最近開始用了Twitter。有興趣可Follow我! 這綱站的内容仍然會是遊戲和日本動畫爲主 (^^; 最近開對攝影有興趣但拍了的相還是少。 Internet Explorer的綱上瀏覽軟件很古老(包括IE8)所以爲了可正確地看到這綱站請用Google Chrome, Firefox 或 Opera。如己經在用Mac的Safa...
Been meaning to change my blog's layout for some time now for an extra personal touch instead of using one of the pre-made ones that you'll most likely come across on other people's blogs while surfing the web. I have the design finalised and had wanted to have it working before...
You'll probably have noticed I've moved and changed a few things on the blog today and it's all temporary until I get round to building my new theme. I've already sketched out the designs but the problem is the graphics and coding work involved. Some of the ideas I'm not sure how to appraoch yet and will require some research. It will all...
As I mentioned earlier this week, I've been using images from 5 Centimeters per Second in the header since May so I felt like it was time for a change. I had actually prepared some more images from 5cm that had an autumn-ish feeling to them because I planned to have something different for each season but, I've decided to use photos Ive...