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PSP Related

Vantage Master Portable Site Open with Wallpaper Downloads

The official website for Vantage Master Portable official site is open but there's not much on it yet besides a few introductory profiles of the Masters you can choose to play as and the fire type Natial units that will be at your disposal. There's also some PC / PSP wallpapers and XMB themes for download. The story differs from character...

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, A Fur Strap for your PSP

All fans of the Monster Hunter series will know by now a large part of the game is about collecting materials to build the next tier of weapons and armour. Well, how about some of that material in real life? Well, sort of anyway... Anyone pre-ordering a copy of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G through Capcom's online store will receive this...

Vantage Master Portable Set for April

Falcom announced today that their SRPG "Vantage Master Portable" is due to hit the shelves on April 24th which just sets it about a month apart from the DS remakes of Ys. There's still no official site up yet but it should be up soon according to their newsletter. In the meantime, you can go download the February calendar wallpaper that...

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, Fighting with Your Felyne Partner

Game Watch has revealed a little more info about the little AI partner that players will be getting in MHP2G. Apparently, they will have the following features: Now I wonder if the monsters will actually go after the felynes or will they still just be focusing on you? The felynes would make a great distraction while you pelt the monsters...

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Pack Revealed

It was only yesterday did Capcom announce the delay of their latest title in their monster slaying series, "Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G" but maybe this will brighten up fans. This US$242 "Hunters Pack G" pack has been revealed and will contain: Pretty cool looking PSP and pouches but I think I prefer the last "Hunter's Pack" that...

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Delayed

Due to quality assurance issues, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G will be delayed from March 13th to March 27th. This of course means the PSP package will also be delayed until then too. It's a pity but, we don't want a buggy game to ruin our gameplay experience now do we? And while you're at it, Capcom... Please be sure to put a "Skip" option...

Pentavision Preparing for DJ Max Portable 3?

While browsing around hoping to find some new clean scans for Code Geass Lost Colors, I came across an interesting topic on Ruliweb. According to the poster, Pentavision is currently recruiting staff for a new rhythm game. They need a client programmer and a project planner for the Xbox 360 and also, two game programmers and a graphics...

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku Review, First Official Game

I can't believe the number of people who have been searching for a place to download the first official Suzumiya Haruhi game, "The Promise of Haruhi Suzumiya"over the past few days and arriving here. Well, sorry to disappoint but there's no downloads here. Otherwise I could really get into trouble with Wordpress. Maybe you can check...