This was shot before the little stroll in Edinburgh. I came across the scenery on the way home on the bus and thought, "I need to come back to shoot this!" I liked how the street lights managed to bring out the colours in the leaves and if you weren't sitting on the top deck of the bus or happen to look up, I doubt you would notice this. Being busy...
再次拿著相機出去散歩了但沒有想到拍什麼相好。不過在公園裏又再遇到上次在Pollok Park拍了的蝴蝶。雖然很普遍但名稱幾有趣叫Painted Lady因爲翼上的白點像油彩。有些似Monarch Butterfly但不是。好像這個時期最多。在你的國家也看到嗎? 翼下面就沒一樣漂亮是黑咖啡色。是用來休息時避免襲擊。平時會在採花蜜或路上享日光。 大約日落時蜜蜂還在忙努力採花蜜。看到長長的舌嗎?好像第三條触角。蜜蜂這麼忙所以在英國如有人忙會説「He's a busy bee」。因沒Macro鏡所以我很拍這張相但沒阻礙牠們。如果有Macro鏡就可看到細細的手和蝴...
我常常經過這裏但只是最近才發現有這様叫「Sloans Market Place」的地方。聽到許大聲的音樂我走入去看看。 可惜那天拍的相只留下了這一張所以不可給大家在市裏有什麼賣但有手工品,很久的書和相。在這裏也可以去酒巴喝洒。 再看一會兒就發覺這絛緊急樓梯,覺得可拍成一張有趣的相所以拍下來。不知黑白好還是彩色所以兩張都上載。 我想這類緊急樓梯什麼地方都可找到但不在污了的後巷建的很少。 下次再去攝影時會拍多些附近的相片。...
我在清理垃圾時發現了這雙蝸牛。從這張相來看好像不大但在遠看好像一個石。初初想可能又是烏鴉跌了什麼東西。 殼質好像幾漂亮所以取了這張相。平時只留意在長長的触角眼但原足下也有触角。...
很久沒出外拍攝了所以作天去買「新世紀福音戰士:破」英國首映的標時去試試找好地方。 天空和有剪影的相片有許多人拍攝所以很難有特色。不過攝影是一種藝術所以每個人的品味會不同。這相片不錯。可看了夜空慢慢到來,遙遠金色的夕陽和左邊未完成的建築物。 這是在格拉斯哥,Cowcaddens拍攝的。有許多像「格拉斯哥美術學校」和「查爾斯麥金塔屋」的古老建築。...
在格拉斯哥平日中出外的中午,大陽昇到最高點的時候,市中心被暖暖金黃色的光包起,也看到長長劇變的影子。 我即刻想可以做一張好相片。當以我有把RAW做一小小的調正。為了相片的光變得更深色我把色温提昇兩倍以後也提昇黑點度把影子變得更黑。 在相片的遠方可見到一些霧。平時大約一天就散但今次連續三天。在霧中「探險」很有趣但交通堵塞時就不。很好今次不有太大影響。 有霧時海上的鳥好像停在水中或飛得很低。真有趣。 這雙鳥有些恐怖 ^^; 可能有霧中看不到飛去哪裏。 有霧時最好不用相機因為太濕度高…但不理會吧。 瀑布更加有自然感嗎?...
It's been raining heavily with some strong gales blowing for the past week or so. Lots of floods down in England and even a few up here in Scotland. While out and about I saw some broken umbrellas and thought I could try something with the scene. I used a polariser to filter out the puddle's reflection towards the left of the photo so that you...
The new M74 highway here has been under construction for some time now and I always pass by the site when going into town. Recently while on the bus I saw all these orange things laid out and immediately thought, "This should make a great photo!" so I ended up grabbing my DSLR and back out to shoot the scene. Not too familiar with the terms...
Went out again this year to capture some seasonal autumn themed photos to use for my blog's banner except this time I was using a DSLR instead of a compact. I went to a number of different places this year and captured many photos but not all of them turned out good of course. Originally I wanted to capture autumn coloured leaves of...