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Old Blog DS News

Crystal White DS Lite Review

The first thing I done after opening the package was of course, do a quick comparison by playing a game of Mario Kart on both my original and new DSL. So far, I'm impressed by the staggering colour and screen difference. PackagingNot only has the DS received a new Lite design but...

Nintendo Browser Q & A

Browser Engine: Opera 8.5 Supported Formats:HTML, XHTML, XML, DOM, EXMA Script, CSS, SSL 2.0/3.0, TLS 1.0 Non-Supported Formats:Flash, Movie Files, Sound Files, PDF Files, other formats that require additional plugins....

Advance DS Movies

Movies can be purchased on flash media cards via small vending machines or, users can use their existing cards to download the movies from via the machine. Current Anime available are Pokemon, Crayon Shin-chan, Detective Conan, Bakuten, O-cha Inu, Bakushou Mondai no Bakuten, Time...

NDS Web Filtering Service (DS)

With the launch of the Nintendo Browser arriving next month on July 24th, Digital Arts will also be launching their i-Filter service on the same day. With all the anxiety surrounding the inappropriate material that young people can access and the dangers of the internet, Nintendo and Digital Arts have come to the conclusion that, a...

Play Tetris with Hikaru Utada

From the 23rd of June, members of Japan's Club Nintendo will have a chance to compete against Hikaru Utada in a game of Tetris. 30 lucky winners who will be picked randomly in a draw will be able to play against the J-Pop star in Tokyo on August 12th. Winners will be able to bring friends along with them but, only one may compete against...

Gyakuten Saiban 4 Interview

Since when did work on this new title begin? Minae:We began around the time when Gyakuten Saiban got released in September 15th 2005 and someone suggested we look at the next title in the series. It was really early but, in the October Nintendo conference that took place in the f...

Rock, Paper, Scissors… Dinosaurs?!

Dino King Battle: Taiko kara no Hyouryuusha is a game based on a card game of the same name. In the game players will take turns at Jankenpon (rock, paper and scissors) and by winning, the player will be able to attack the opposition with their dinosaur. Dinosaurs will have speci...

Take Quizes and Raise Idols

Kirameki Star Road will be a modified version of an arcade game of the same name, made by Taito back in 1997. In this game, players will be using the touchscreen to answer questions to help a girl become an idol. The difference between this and other quiz games is that there is n...