LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames



Ken寫了一編小文章比較澳洲和日本用公共交通秩序。我在他的網誌寫了很長的按語所以決定也寫到這裏 ^^; 我沒到過澳洲但照他説澳洲人不會在巴士站排隊而日本人就好有秩序。 其実英國蘇格蘭也沒有人排隊。可能因爲同時可有許多巴士到。但巴士一到大家多數都會好像有秩序一樣,讓在巴士站等得最來的人上車。但有時如有小朋友或沒禮貌的人也會沒了秩序。 有時都幾可笑因爲大家會讓來讓去 ^^; 如在香港就會有排隊。在繁忙時間可能會一齊逼在車廂裏。 但我覺得香港公共交通比這裏的清潔。英國公共交通雖然有罰款的告示但有些人仍然會吸煙或留下垃圾,還有塗鴉。 在英國許多人有車但我比較喜歡...


歡迎來到本站新的設計! 之前有許多細小的改變但新的設計終於完成了!但可惜我的創作才能不太好所設計得很簡單 ^^; 有些記事有中日翻譯但不會是全部因爲要寫三種言語要花許多時間。我主要會集中翻譯在Photo Stroll(散歩相片)。 最近開始用了Twitter。有興趣可Follow我! 這綱站的内容仍然會是遊戲和日本動畫爲主 (^^; 最近開對攝影有興趣但拍了的相還是少。 Internet Explorer的綱上瀏覽軟件很古老(包括IE8)所以爲了可正確地看到這綱站請用Google Chrome, Firefox 或 Opera。如己經在用Mac的Safa...

J-Drama, The Woman Who Never Compromises

Magerarenai Onna No cheese and wine until she passes her lawyer exam... So just a sniff. Not even losing her job can make Saki give in and change her principles. And she snaps. That's not a children's story book - It's a law book. Stress relieve time! Thoughts - Does J-drama real...

Final Fantasy VII On the Way to a Smile Audiobook Project

Been about three months since I finally completed my translation of the official Final Fantasy VII On the Way to a Smile novel but, if you've still to read the 264 pages of text, maybe you'll want to check out TheLifestream.net's fan based audiobook project that's underway....


這很罕見。從何時開始鴨會在屋上站?可能是迷路了。 我對鴨沒認識但好奇心查了。好像19世記來至自法國鲁昂但來到英國農産地就被養肥了。比普見的鴨大。 看來這不是從農場逃出。...

Migrating to a New Host ::

Finally. If you see this message then you're now at my new domain and host. It was pretty troublesome trying to import the big SQL database over because phpMyAdmin wouldn't accept anything bigger than 2MB. I ended up trying to figure out how to import it directly via an SSH sessi...