LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Final Fantasy VII On the Way to a Smile Audiobook Project

Been about three months since I finally completed my translation of the official Final Fantasy VII On the Way to a Smile novel but, if you've still to read the 264 pages of text, maybe you'll want to check out TheLifestream.net's fan based audiobook project that's underway....

What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord!? 3D Review

"What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord" doesn't seem to be getting much attention in the West and I doubt its name change after finding it clashed with an old Batman TV show helps at all. In any case, Japan gets their third title in the series otherwise known as Those Cheeky Her...


これは珍しい。鴨は何時から屋根に立てるようになったのかな?迷子かも。 鴨のことあまり詳しくないが、この鴨を見たらちょっと調べたくようになりました。元々は19世紀フランス, ルーアンの鴨で、イギリスの農家に育ってたら体が以前より大きくなったらしい。ちょっと普段の鴨と似ていますが、体もっと大きいですね。 これは結構細くて多分農家のではないでしょう。...