Kokonotsu Shikada and his father runs a small store selling "dagashi (cheap snacks)" in the rural countryside. One day a mysterious girl named Hotaru Shidare appears looking for the potential employees that are well-versed with the world of Dagashi and Kokonotsu seems just the person. However, his father refuses to let his son join...
One day, Naho Takamiya receives letters that claim to be from herself ten years in the future, each letter describing a different day and what she must do to prevent her "biggest regret". At first, she thought it might just have been a prank but just as the letter described, Naho and her friends befriend the new transfer student named...
So another story with highschool as the setting and when high schools are involved, there's usually your cliche of a transfer student and special powers. Based on Izumi Matsumoto's 1984 Manga, fifteen year old Kyousuke Kasuga isn't your average junior high student - his whole family has special powers such as teleporting...
As Nobita hears a pirate story, he dreams of going hunting for treasure himself and using Doraemon's gadgets he surprisingly discovers some undiscovered treasure. The treasure was located on a newly formed island of rock outside of Japan but as they make their way there, they are attacked by a group of time travelling pirates and...
Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night takes place somewhere between the original game and FES. Elizabeth has decided to hold a party and has invited the SEES gang over to dance inside their dreams. The gang is reluctant at first since they've still got Shadows to fight but after hearing time doesn't pass by in Club Velvet, they decide to stay for...
Yusaku Godai is a "ronin", a student waiting for his next chance to pass university entrance exams. To make things worse, he lives in a shared rundown apartment called the "Ikkoku Apartment" with a group of inconsiderate and strange neighbours. Despite his best efforts to study and pass, they constantly harass and use his room for...
I was interested in this sim when I heard Paradox Interactive was going to be publishing it. The modern day version of Sim City, "Cities Skylines" they published was quite good to play so this new premise of colonising Mars sounded like it'd be even more fun, despite being a different developer making it. The premise isn't really...
I always wanted to try Fate/Grand Order the mobile game since I've been a fan of the Fate/Night series but, the gameplay turned out to be quite mundane and the gatcha system didn't feel very exciting with simple colour swaps. Can't say much about the story either since I haven't played that far in. That said, I came across this Lancer...
Maika Sakuranomiya is a kind hearted, high school student who has decided to find a part-time job so that she can earn enough to study overseas. However, she struggles to find one because she just can't stay her nice self when faced with strangers and ends up glaring at them. By chance she catches Dino's eyes, the Italian manager of a...
Moe Nishinosono is infactuated with her professor Sohei Saikawa. One day she goes visit Shiki Mugata, a prodigy who gained her doctorate at the age of 11 but found to be guilty of murdering her parents one day. Yet, Mugata claims she didn't. She also happens to be held in high regard by the professor because of her high intelligence...