LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

FFVII: Crisis Core, Trailer from TGS2006 Now Up for Viewing

From the 1st to the 15th December, you can now login to Square-Enix's Member's site to view the trailer of Crisis Core shown at during TGS2006. Taking place 7 years before FFVII, the trailer shows a bundle of scenes featuring Zack during his time in Soldier and when he was dating Aerith. There's some gameplay footage too and it's looking...

Tales of Destiny 2 Gets a PSP Port Next Year

Taking place 18 years after Tales of Destiny on the PSX, the memories of the heroes' deeds were fading away from the people's hearts. They are all too occupied with dreams of happiness that the Holy Woman Elraine promises them. During this time in the small village of Cresta, a young man named Kyle, the son of the hero Stan, was inspired to...

EQ Trainer DS, Give Your Communication Skills a Boost

Now here's a new one for you - "EQ Trainer DS: Dekiru Otona no Communication Jutsu", "Communication Skills for Adults". As the name suggests, this title aims to train your EQ ("Emotional Quotient", AKA "EI") which is a measure of how well you can perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of yourself and others. Pretty social stuff. The...