Both a Japanese version and an English version of Bullfrog's classic "Theme Park" is coming to the DS! I used to play this so much on my first PC, a Pentium 75MHz, 32MB RAM and 850MB HD... The original game was made back in 1994 and as you'll have guessed from the title, allows you build a theme park while competing with other invisible...
Starting on Monday 4th December, the closed beta version of the Megaten MMORPG is getting update, implementing the "Devil Fusion" system so that players can now merge their supernatural companions together. No wonder we saw nothing of it in those gameplay clips earlier! Also, from 18:00 JST 6th December, those who didn't get picked...
Just over a week before the new Wi-Fi enabled Puyo Puyo DS game is released and while you're waiting for it, you can try out the various mini games at the official site. Something to do while you're waiting for that next lecture or during your breaks ;)...
From December 1st to the 15th, Rockman fans will be able to buy train passes at participating stations featuring the upcoming Ryuusei no Rockman game for the DS. During this time period, there will also be various original illustrations downloadable via the official site. Currently there's one up with an early "Happy New Year...
Head on over for a short Flash intro and a few wallpapers to download. There's also a bundle of new sections open too such as character profiles with romanised names and a viewable in-game video that shows the beginning of the story....
Just catching up on watching Death Note and phew, episode 7 is depicted so damn well! I can still feel the chill from watching those last few moments of the episode where Light finally gets his way. I...
It's the Wii's launch day in Japan tomorrow and in Osaka, over 600 people are already queuing for it the night before by 8 PM! The Wii's going to cost them 26,000 Yen (US$225/UK...
Music samples from the Falcom...
From the 1st to the 15th December, you can now login to Square-Enix's Member's site to view the trailer of Crisis Core shown at during TGS2006. Taking place 7 years before FFVII, the trailer shows a bundle of scenes featuring Zack during his time in Soldier and when he was dating Aerith. There's some gameplay footage too and it's looking...
Anyone who buys the game early will get a mini soundtrack CD full of unreleased, early experimental PCM and FM tracks as well as a full version of the opening. The list of tracks is as follows:...