Not a big surprise since they've already ported the first over. Expect the port sometime in Spring 2007... Maybe the first game will have an English version sometime by then after Gurumin. Checkout my review of the first game's PSP port here....
Some bad news for importers... Released last week, it turns out the latest Puyo Puyo title has a pretty nasty bug which only lets you save 255 times before the game no longer lets you save. Fortunately for those in Japan, Sega is offering free replacements from January 2007 onwards. As ranking points on Wi-Fi can not be carried over to the...
Yes, you can now have the girls on your credit card too if you dare in celebration of Dead or Alive's 10th anniversary. As part of launch campaign, applicants can get a "DoA 10th Anniversary Original Trading Card" featuring the same character as the one they chose for their credit card. As registered users make use of their new credit...
The US has had the game for over a fortnight now but "MGS Portable Ops" just gets launched for the first day in Japan today together with this limited edition PSP pack. Another Japan only event is that fans can also download mysterious "strengthened soldiers" dressed up colourful suits to their PSPs at participating stores, in...
I wasn't expecting such a big parcel when I ordered the Logitech PSP case from Gameplay since the console isn't that big. But the hard display packaging meant that the case couldn't have gotten cracked too easily in the post. Good packaging from Gameplay too because they could always have just wrapped it in some bubble wrapping and then...
This is going to be the third stock trading game for the DS but in terms of presentation, Kojima's one still looks better. Working together with E-Trade, Orix,, Matsui and Rakuten, "Wakabayashi Fumie no DS Kabu Lessons" features the same interface used to trade stocks with the companies. You can join young stock trader Fumie...
Some more exercising for brain and all you have to do is spot the difference in "Unou no Tatsujin Soukai! Machigai Museum 2". It's not as easy as you think of course because there will be time limits and obstructions blocking your view such as shutters, spotlights and switching pictures. One of the fun exercises has you using the mic to...
Supervised by Hideho Kindaiichi a Japanese linguist, "Gakkyuu DS Otona no Gakushuu Kindaiichi Sensei no Nihongo Lesson" aims to increase your knowledge in Japanese in five areas which are vocabulary, Kanji, communication, comprehension and culture. The "Tokaido 53 Stages (Edo-Kyoto Highway) Journey Mode" allows you to travel...
While the PSP is getting a remake of an old PSX version of Final Fantasy Tactics, the DS is going to get a sequel to the GBA game that was released back in February 2003. No details have been revealed yet about "Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire". Title suggests it'll be about a dark, powerful little book that existed back in...
Pretty much stuff that you can already do in the first game. Slots and the Skill System
Just like in the previous game, activating skills in Monster Hunter means you will have to reach the number of points required for a skill by equipping the right weaponry and armour. Each weapon and armour will have slots in them that gives you certain...