LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

7th Heaven Spotted in Town


7th Heaven Spotted in Town

Phew! It's been so hot and sunny the past few days here, almost rivalling that of HK! But look what I came across while I was wandering around town - "Seventh Heaven". Never noticed it before because I hardly pass by this part of town but I immediately thought of FFVII when I saw the sign.

I doubt we'll find Cloud or Tifa here though because it's not a bar...

7th Heaven in Glasgow

It's a night club complete with lap dancing service ^^;

Can you imagine...? No, never mind.

Nothing to do with FFVII of course.

Why not take a break?

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Xcomp Author

I didn't... Doubt I could handle the excitement.



Maku tama

Wow...totally different from FF7's Seventh Heaven lolz
Did you go inside? ;;;
