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FFVII Advent Children Complete to Have Three Editions

Movies Reviews

FFVII Advent Children Complete to Have Three Editions


Just look at the reflection of Edge City on that Materia... Can't see that much detail on DVD. Not that the scene exists in the current version anyway!


Famitsu reveals there will be "three editions" of FFVII Advent Children Complete which is a Blu-ray HD version of the RPG movie sequel with 30 minutes of new original footage. They will be due sometime this March in Japan and, only the first press editions of the PS3 bundle and the movie will come with a bonus disk containing a playable demo of FFXIII as well as footage of the other two titles Versus and Agito. The regular edition of the movie won't have this disk.

For a moment I was thinking, "Is that all people get for the limited edition?" Then I saw the words "first press" and thought differently. In case you don't know, "first press" means the initial number of copies being released for sale e.g. 500,000 copies are made and distributed to shops on release date. Once those copies are sold out or almost gone, more maybe reprinted and that batch will be the "second print" etc so like "limited editions" they are limited in number except in greater quantity and they don't quite come with as much goodies.

I'm surprised SE isn't releasing something similar to the limited edition of the DVD release. Or maybe they're just waiting for fans to gobble up the first press editions then announce an LE...

The goods.

So anyway, let me take this opportunity to remind you all of my rubbishy translations of "On the Way to a Smile" and "The Maiden who Travels the Planet" which are official short stories that take place between the movie and the PS2 RPG itself. Surprisingly, my translations are still being torrented around the web as PDFs.

I won't be getting this HD version of the movie since I don't have the right setup at home to enjoy it. Maybe after the switch to digital TV over here. So many Advent Children related goods!


もしご連絡しても宜しければメールアドレスもご入力下さい。迷惑会社- いや… 第三者等に提供することもしないのでご安心を。


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Too much milking of franchise makes maymay want to destroy squeenix with a angry Cactuar.

<_< I have that NA limited edition with the postcards and book thing... that I never bothered reading. Too lazy V_V
